巴黎時裝週/小朋友才做選擇!MIU MIU大膽把運動裝、晚宴服混爲一談


MIU MIU於臺灣時間6日晚間以線上形式發表2021春夏女裝大秀,本季MIU MIU秀場打造成一座「運動場」,粉嫩的圓形劇場中雖然少了真實的觀衆,仍透過熒幕現場連線世界各地的名人嘉賓即時觀秀設計師Miuccia Prada在本季展現「小朋友才做選擇」的決心,讓極端二元同時並存,她將機能運動服華麗晚宴服合而爲一,其中如穆勒球鞋、高跟足球鞋尖頭鞋帶鞋⋯⋯等鞋款部分爲一大亮點

▲MIU MIU 2021春夏女裝秀場打造成一個「運動聖殿」,透過攝影機與熒幕邀請全球名人共賞,包括韓星潤娥也在受邀名單。(圖/品牌提供,以下同)

從如今的世界看來疫情不是一時半刻能夠退燒,在這樣的時代現況下,要設計什麼樣的衣服設計師來說是一項難題,究竟要以講求舒適方便的運動裝爲主,還是要往最華美、最夢幻的想像裡去呢?Miuccia Prada不苦惱,因爲她「都要」。

▲MIU MIU本季以融合運動服與晚宴服兩大極端概念做爲設計主軸

MIU MIU在2021春夏系列裡把運動服與晚宴服做了融合,色彩多元平均、有深有淺,靈活運用,撞色安排的運動衫上能看見大家熟悉的運動服線條設計,筆直俐落輪廓線條增加中性氣質,但同時不忘MIU MIU善於展現女性娥娜體態特色,在輕薄透視的洋裝、極短的網球迷你裙樣式比基尼熱褲以及衩到大腿開衩設計上可以體現,另外,時不時出現的荷葉邊、蝴蝶結鑽飾元素,也讓MIU MIU濃烈的少女情懷得以延續。




而運動機能與奢華女人味的融合,在MIU MIU本季的鞋履上完美呈現了,像是有着球鞋鞋舌的高跟涼鞋運動感十足的足球鞋背面卻是不包腳跟的穆勒鞋、把球鞋變成浮誇尖頭,甚至是華麗版的人字拖鞋,都成爲了本季的亮點。

Fusing physical experience with digital, the staging of the Miu Miu Spring/Summer 2021 show both addresses the unique demands of our time and the fundamental needs of the medium of the fashion show. The show decor, realised by AMO, is an elliptical stadium, referencing the worlds of sports: as athletes act out their movements for an audience, they transform these spaces not only into a palace of sports, but an arena of observation. This is inherently tied with the experience of the runway show: in both, a group of people commune to not only bear witness but, in their presence, play a part in a collective moment. Around the world, Miu Miu invites audiences of women to gather together to view the show - simultaneously connected, again witnesses of an event. Communities of women have always been integral to the spirit and identity of Miu Miu: their nurturing and support of one another, their pursuit of shared values and goals. This season, those communities of women are also intrinsic to the show itself. The spectators are integrated into the show: interrupting the stadium’s white rubber walls, three digital lounges of screens will display the observer to the observed. The digital audience’s reactions, visible within the space, replicates the dynamic of a physical audience, virtual exchange given a new power. Expanding on this idea, a series of tech activations around the show link the spheres of the virtual world with real-life - in collaboration with Instagram, Miu Miu launches an augmented reality filter that transforms any view into a virtual expression of the showspace. In its fusing of reality and virtual fantasy, it is a reflection of contemporary life. Soundtrack by @Frederic_Sanchez Tracks by @Automatic_Band #PFW

Miu Miu(@miumiu)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2020 年 10月 月 6 日 上午 5:10 張貼


►巴黎時裝週/CHANEL「奈米包」變項鍊腰帶! 春夏粉紅風爆款搶先看