夏禮章/聲帶出狀況 Art Garfunkel因病取消演唱會


喉嚨出了問題,Art Garfunkel被迫取消2012年剩下的巡迴演唱會,Art Garfunkel因病已遠離舞臺數年之久。爲取消10月2日在奧克拉荷馬州Tulsa的一場名The Joint的演唱會,Art Garfunkel發了一份聲明稿給媒體,他感謝大家買票捧場讓演唱會成功,也對取消演唱會對歌迷們致歉。▲圖/達志影像提供自從2010年醫師發現他的聲帶有問題,Art就努力配合醫療希望完成康復,Art Garfunkel九月份剛推出雙CD的回味專輯The Singer,他告訴記者回舞臺表演對他有多重要,他也會感到緊張,因爲他想從演出去證明這就是他的人生,他心想如果他不唱歌不知道會變成什麼樣子?因爲他五歲就開始唱歌了,爲了證明這種核心價值,他的方法就是繼續唱歌。Art Garfunkel 1941年出生於紐約,擁有哥倫比亞大學數學碩士學位,他與Paul Simon合組的Simon&Garfunkel是民謠搖滾的經典二重唱,但因Art Garfunkel去拍電影導致二人分手,而他個人後來在排行榜名次最好的歌是1973年的第9名的All I Know。

All I Know I bruise you, you bruise meWe both bruise too easilyToo easily to let it showI love you, and that's all I know

All my plans have fallen throughAll my plans depend on youDepend on you to help them growI love you, and that's all I know

When the singer's goneLet the song go on...

But the ending always comes at lastEndings always come too fastThey come too fast, but they pass to slowI love you, and that's all I knowWhen the singer's goneLet the song go onIt's a fine line between the darkness and the dawnThey say the darkest nightThere's a light beyond

But the ending always comes at lastEndings always come too fastThey come too fast, but they pass too slowI love you, and that's all I knowThat's all I knowThat's all I know

