大眼果蝠寶寶吸奶嘴 安穩躺特製「媽媽」保育包

▲小Daffodil的模樣非常融化人心。(圖/翻攝自Batzilla the Bat)


動物寶寶在失去母親時,常常會感到害怕,在澳洲里斯本蝙蝠救援組織(Batzilla the Bat),爲了能夠讓獲救的小蝙蝠Daffodil降低恐懼,便設計一款特殊的保育包,讓蝙蝠寶寶能夠在宛如被媽媽擁抱在懷中環境下,安心地讓救援人員治療。

外國動物網站《The Dodo》報導,Daffodil的媽媽在外出覓食時,受困在果園防護網上,因爲發現時間太晚,來不及拯救就死亡了。當組織成員發現時,趴在媽媽身上的Daffodil已經因爲嚴重脫水、受寒及飢餓許久,而變得非常得虛弱。

爲了讓Daffodil降低戒心,組織成員Battie Blue設計了一個名爲「cuddlebatz」的保育包,打開來的形狀像是一隻成年蝙蝠, 可以將Daffodil包覆在其中,就像是被包在媽媽的翅膀之下,同時還會給牠一個奶嘴吸吮。在最爲熟悉的環境下,Daffodil會覺得舒適且有安全感,就可以試着去相信救援人員,得到完善的照顧;而且抱着奶嘴吸吮的模樣,萌翻了不少組織成員。


Daffodil is Miss Bluebell's new sister and although they are different species, (Bluebell is a Black flying-fox and Daffodil is a Grey-headed flying-fox) they will become the best of friends once they start hanging out in the playpen.Blacks and Greys roost together in colonies that can number many thousands of individuals.Sadly, Daffodil's mother was caught in large aperture fruit tree netting and she was left undiscovered for so long that she died in the netting.Little Daffodil managed to crawl off her mum and she was found close by dehydrated, freezing cold and starving.Flying-fox mothers are carrying little babies at this time of the year and it is so important that Australian gardeners never use any netting that you can poke a finger through as it is extremely dangerous to all wildlife but especially to flying-foxes.We have safe alternatives that deliver 100% of a crop and cause no harm to wildlife. Please only net with shade cloth type netting to grow, net and harvest humanely.

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影音推薦】和老婆味覺挑戰 他矇眼試吃到「大驚喜」興奮哭了