德克斯大學健康科學中心聖安東尼奧分校Dr. Mingjiang Xu和芝加哥大學何川組招收聯合博後



Dr. Mingjiang Xu和芝加哥大學何川組招收聯合博後


Postdoc Positions Focusing on the Roles of RNA m5C Regulation in Normal

and Malignant Hematopoiesis

Postdoctoral positions are available in the research laboratories of Dr. Mingjiang Xu (https://directory.uthscsa.edu/academics/profile/xum1) at University of Texas Health San Antonio and Dr. Chuan He (https://he-group.uchicago.edu) at University of Chicago. The candidate will carry collaborative projects between the Xu and the He labs to investigate the roles of RNA m5C in the regulation of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cell function and in the development of hematological malignancies. These studies will be the extension of a recent discovery by the He and Xu labs published in Nature

(https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-07969-x). The candidate will define the impact of RNA m5C marks on the regulation of a diverse physiological and pathological processes including transcription, translation, aging and transformation, focusing on the hematopoietic system. The unique tools are ranging from m5C writers/erasers/reader modulations and m5C profiling to animal modeling and primary human sample testing.


These positions require a Ph.D. degree (or equivalent) in biochemistry,molecular/cell biology, cancer biology, or closely related biological sciences. Any prior experience in hematopoiesis, RNA biology, and mouse models will be greatly valued and encouraged to apply. The ideal applicant is a goal oriented,pro-active and hard-working individual with excellent organizational skills who is passionate about making a difference in bio-medical research.


Please send the application package to Dr. Mingjiang Xu and/or Dr. Chuan He in one single pdf file including a cover letter briefly describing your previous experience, curriculum vitae with list of publications, and contact information of three references.

投遞簡歷請選擇:德克斯大學健康科學中心聖安東尼奧分校Dr. Mingjiang Xu課題組


1. 掃描二維碼投遞簡歷;

3. 點擊鏈接投遞簡歷:https://jinshuju.net/f/ZqXwZt(複製鏈接至瀏覽器投遞簡歷)

