狗狗追鹿上囚車遣返!無辜看欄杆外世界 62萬網友笑翻

someone called the police on my dog because he ran away and attacked a deer and i know this is serious but the sight of him in the cop car i’m alskdjfhsgh pic.twitter.com/czZqzzc3x3



住在加拿大肯諾拉的湯普森(Emme Thompson)表示,爸爸帶狗狗芬恩去散步,走到一處森林時爸爸鬆開牽繩,想讓芬恩去跑一跑,結果才一放開狗狗就衝進草叢消失了,「牠可能是聞到了鹿的味道,不管吹口哨、喊名字都叫不回來。」幾分鐘後,爸爸接到警察的來電,對方說芬恩被「逮捕了」,因爲有人看到芬恩在結冰湖面追一隻鹿。

thank you SO much for all the nice messages and replies asking about finny! i wish i had time to answer all of them - they let us off with a warning and he is going to be just fine! pic.twitter.com/yDakSOAY2a



My dog ran away and made it to a main road, a fire truck on a way to a call called 911 to have her picked up. I was laughing so hard when they brought her back I started crying. pic.twitter.com/56W95FdpB4