加拿大飛機「直衝林地墜毀」多人罹難 直升機急升空搜索
Kingston Police confirm that multiple people have died following a small plane crash in a wooded area 2km west of Bayridge Drive & North of Creekford Road.Several agencies attended the scene including JRCC, OPP, KPF, KFR, & FPS.#ygk #Kingston #PlaneCrash #BreakingNews pic.twitter.com/vnsfdNaOUm
加拿大安大略省27日一架Piper PA-32小型飛機墜毀,京斯敦市(Kingston)警方證實該架飛機墜毀於郊區林地,多人罹難,但並未透露其他相關細節。加拿大國家運輸安全委員會(The Transportation Safety Board of Canada)已表示,將於28日上午動員小組前往事發地點展開調查。
綜合當地媒體The Whig-Standard及路透報導,當局27日傍晚5時20分接獲緊急通報電話後,隨即出動直升機到失事地點周邊進行搜索,直到晚間8時15分左右結束相關行動。目前已知失事飛機爲Piper PA-32隸屬單引擎飛機,最多可容納6人。
官員表示,該架飛機是在美國註冊登記,自安大略省的巴頓維爾市立機場(Toronto Buttonville Municipal Airport)起飛後,原定飛往京斯敦市的京斯敦市機場(Norman Rogers Airport,又稱「諾曼羅傑斯機場」),但卻在途中發生意外。警方表示,目前已與機場保持聯繫,確認罹難者身分及同行成員之間的關係。
** Incident Update ** We are now confirming that there are numerous fatalities in regards to the small downed aircraft located this evening. Police continue to provide scene security awaiting Transport Canada’s arrival to continue the joint investigation. #ygk