老外在社媒上問What’s your handle? 是啥意思
James在社交媒體上和外國朋友聊天,他請朋友上IG網站看他的一篇貼文。外國朋友問他:What’s your handle?
1.What’s your handle?
"Handle" 我們最熟悉的意思是把手,它其實也可以指「名稱」。特別指很奇怪的名稱。例如:That's some handle to go through life with! 一輩子取那樣一個名字也夠奇怪的!
"Handle" 也經常指我們在網絡上的暱稱。在社羣中,我們更習慣用一個特定的名稱或代號代表自己,而不是使用真實的名字。要問人在網路上的暱稱,可以用What’s your handle?
A: "Hey, you seem familiar. What's your handle on this forum?" 感覺遇見過你,你在論壇上的名稱是什麼?
B: "Oh, I go by the name"Gamer123." Nice to meet you!" 是喔,我叫Gamer123。很高興見到你。
2. It took me some time to get a handle on the new computer software.
"Get a handle on something" 指「理解、掌握或瞭解一件事情」,特別是在解決問題或處理複雜情況時。
工作中,遇到一個複雜的工作問題時,可能需要"get a handle on it",以便找到解決方案。
The project was in chaos, but after a few weeks, she finally managed to get a handle on it.
當你感到壓力或情緒波動時,也需要 "get a handle on your emotions",以便冷靜下來。
The manager organized a training session to help employees get a handle on stress and improve their well-being.
3.I want to get rid of my love handles quickly. Do you have any suggestions?
"Love handles" 不是愛的把手,而是指「腰部和腹部的贅肉」。爲什麼會有這樣的說法?據說是人擁抱的時候,雙手剛好就是放在腰間,摸到的那圈肉,就稱love handles。
My new year's resolution is to hit the gym regularly and get rid of these love handles before summer comes.
4.He flew off the handle.
Handle原意是「控制」,fly off是「脫離、飛走」,"Fly off the handle" 是脫離控制,引申爲「情緒失控、發飆」。大多指因爲一個突發事件而情緒爆發,失去了冷靜和理智的情況,就可以用fly off the handle。例如:
My boss flew off the handle when he found out about the mistake in the report.
I know the news was upsetting, but there's no need to fly off the handle like that.