紐時賞析/美人娛樂消費減少 迪士尼營利大宗「樂園」營運疲軟

涵蓋主題樂園和郵輪的迪士尼體驗部門去年貢獻迪士尼70%的營業利潤。(紐約時報 )

Trouble Spot For Disney: Weak Results For Its Parks

樂園營運疲軟 暴露迪士尼罩門

In The Walt Disney Co.’s seemingly never-ending game of corporate Whac-a-Mole, a new trouble spot has arisen: Americans have less money to spend on amusement, imperiling growth at Disney theme parks.


Theme parks have taken on much greater financial importance at Disney over the past decade. They have been the ATMs that have paid for Disney’s costly expansion into streaming and picked up the slack for the company’s atrophying cable television business. Last year, Disney Experiences, a division that includes theme parks and cruise ships, contributed 70% of Disney’s operating profit, up from about 30% a decade ago.


Bob Iger, Disney’s CEO, has called theme parks and cruise ships “a key growth engine.” Last year, Disney said it would spend roughly $60 billion over the next decade to expand its parks and to continue building Disney Cruise Line. Josh D’Amaro, chair of Disney Experiences, is expected to unveil an array of specific expansion projects Saturday at a fan convention in Anaheim, California.


But there are reasons to worry that the U.S. economy could be headed toward a recession. In addition, the global postpandemic surge in travel is largely over.


Iger has been trying to move Disney beyond a tumultuous period when activist investors sought to alter the company’s direction. Disney fended off the attacks, but its share price has fallen more than 25% since early April.


The remainder of Disney’s quarter was solid. Companywide revenue increased 4% from a year earlier, to $23.2 billion, slightly above Wall Street expectations. Adjusted per-share income increased 35%, to $1.39, beating expectations by 20 cents. Disney lifted its full-year target for adjusted earnings growth to 30%. Disney previously told investors to expect 25%.


Movies provided some of the quarterly upside. “Inside Out 2,” released in June, took in $1.6 billion worldwide and reversed a slump at Disney-owned Pixar. “Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes,” from Disney’s 20th Century Studios, was a hit in May, collecting nearly $400 million.


文/Brooks Barnes 譯/羅方妤