Photos|Launch of the Sino-French Cultural Spring and Fête de la Musique in S...

The launch ceremony and first concert of the 2024 Sino-French Cultural Spring and Fête de la Musique in Shunde took place on the evening of June 21st, marking a grand start to the event.

During the event, the organizers presented the French representatives with the municipal intangible cultural heritage item, the "Daliang Fish Lantern". This lantern, characterized by its unique water town craftsmanship, boasts a history of over 600 years, with fish-shaped bamboo structures that are bright and colorful. This gift creatively blends traditional Chinese bamboo weaving techniques with French cultural elements, symbolizing the enduring friendship between China and France.

As cheers of "Wow oh oh oh—" erupted, the musical carnival began with the first guitar chord. Three bands, Toukan Toukän, Korsion, and Johnnie Carwash, delivered the first wave of passionate music to citizens and tourists.

French band Toukan Toukän performed 12 borderless electronic pop songs, while local Shunde band Korsion presented 9 tracks of electronic core and pop rock. French punk rock band Johnnie Carwash performed 13 dynamic pieces.

This year marks the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and France, as well as the tenth edition of the Sino French Cultural Spring in Shunde's Daliang Subdistrict. OCT Harbour PLUS in Shunde once again serves as the main venue, featuring the strongest lineup to date – 6 French bands recommended by the French consulate, and 3 Chinese bands will deliver a powerful audiovisual feast.

Complementing the Sino-French stage performances is a creative food and brand market. Various traditional snacks and Sino-French fusion delicacies showcased the charm of Shunde, a city renowned for its culinary delights.

With the launch of this event, Daliang's food, tourism and art sectors are set to offer novel Sino-French cultural experiences to citizens and tourists alike.

In the culinary aspect, several renowned dining brands in Daliang have meticulously crafted a range of exclusive Sino-French fusion dishes.

In terms of tourism, Daliang and the French cultural tourism industry have jointly launched 6 Sino-French holiday tour routes in Shunde. Additionally, multiple scenic spots in Shunde are offering special benefits, such as free admission for French tour groups to 15 A-level tourist attractions until the end of the year.

On the artistic front, from June to the end of the year, over ten cultural and art galleries, including the Shunde Museum and Boxes Art Museum, will host Sino-French urban art joint exhibitions. Furthermore, an artist residency event in Shunde will be held at the end of October, providing a platform for artistic exchange between Chinese and French artists.

Source:Yangcheng Evening News




“哇哦哦哦——”一陣陣歡呼聲響起,隨着第一個吉他音符的奏響,音樂狂歡之旅正式開啓。Toukan Toukän、窮辛Korsion、Johnnie Carwash三支中外樂隊率先爲市民和遊客帶來首場熱情音浪。

來自法國Toukan Toukän樂隊給現場的觀衆帶來12首無國界的電子流行音樂,來自順德本土的窮辛樂隊帶來9首電子核、流行搖滾風格的作品,來自法國的Johnnie Carwash樂隊帶來13首朋克搖滾風格的作品。







文、圖|記者 楊苑瑩 通訊員 良宣翻譯 鄭聖浩