世界知名情色明星Chanel Preston在2011年12月10日接受採訪時表示自己已經確定會在即將開拍的成人版電影《古墓麗影》中出演勞拉,並且表示非常興奮且期待。
Chanel Preston在接受採訪時稱自己沒有任何遊戲機,也不曾對遊戲有過太多的興趣,但她會用自己的特質來表現她所理解的勞拉獨有的氣質(性感的屁股)。
對於勞拉這個角色,Chanel Preston有着自己的理解。她認爲勞拉的身上充斥着血腥和性感,神秘但是輕浮,在非戰鬥狀態下,她更像個女人。
而關於成人版《古墓麗影》中的勞拉,Chanel Preston認爲如果他就是勞拉本人的話,應該更喜歡別人從背後猛拉馬尾辮的感覺……
而對於勞拉受歡迎的理由,Chanel Preston總結道:“她的確非常性感,也是一個英雄般的人物,但從本質上看,她只是一個屁股比較大的普通女孩罷了。”
當記者問Chanel Preston是否有信心演好這個角色的時候,她表示自己和勞拉有着相似的身材,所以應該可以演好。
Hi Chanel, welcome back to Impulse Gamer! We just heard the exciting news today that you have been chosen to play Lara Croft in the new Tomb Raider movie.
How did you react to the news?
I was extremely excited. I had heard they were planning on shooting Tomb Raider a while back and was interested in playing heard but I had completely forgot about it until now.
How did your name become involved in the selection process?
I'm not really sure. I'm assuming they gathered girls with a similar look and rule them out one by one.
Have you played any of the games and if so, what was your favourite?
I actually have not ever played the game. I don't have any gaming consoles and I didn't play them much growing up either.
What kind of research will you do to get into character?
I'll probably just watch the movies again.
What are you most looking forward to playing Lara Croft?
I'm excited to play such a bad ass yet sexy character
How will you play Lara?
I will probably play her similar to Angelina Jolie only because I absolutely love her.
What kind of sexuality will you bring to the character?
Lara Croft is already oozing with sexuality. She's subtle but very flirty and she's such a lady when she isn't fighting.
As our expert, what do you believe is Lara's favourite position?
I think she likes getting fucked from behind while someone yanks on her pony tail.
Why do you think Lara Croft is so popular?
Because she amazingly sexy and more realistic of a character then a super hero. She's just a normal girl but a total bad ass.
How do you think Lara rates in bed?
She's definitely a 10
Obviously both you and Lara have the same body types, do you think you were born for this role?
Absolutely! I've already had multiple roles where I have to fight or shoot people so I guess it's just natural, lol.
Are you looking forward to wearing the costume?
Of course I am. It looks hot on her and it's going to look hot on me.
What will be your most challenging aspect to playing Lara?
In the movie she has an accent a bit so we'll see if I can pull that off.
When will filming begin?
Very soon!
Do you know who the other stars will be in the film?
I do not know as of yet.