世界經濟論壇前總經理:中國對未來充滿自信 爲世界提供發展思路丨世界觀

世界經濟論壇前總經理克勞德·薩馬加(Claude Smadja)近日接受中新網獨家專訪時表示,中國在國際社會上提供重要的領導力,可向世界提供兩大思路:其一,有正確的領導和對未來的清晰願景,一個國家就可以獲得巨大的成就;其二,一個對自己的未來以及全球經濟引領作用充滿自信的國家,發展過程中會考慮到其他國家的關切。走向海外的中國企業正不斷證明,它們能切實爲所在國家作出經濟貢獻。(陳天浩)

In an exclusive interview with China News Network, Claude Smadja, Former Managing Director of the World Economic Forum, shared his observation over China’s development and summarized two key lessons that China can offer to the world are: leadership and a clear vision about the future helps a country achieve tremendous results, and a country confident about its future and its role has to take into account the concerns of other countries. Chinese companies show that they are really contributing to the business and economic life of the country they operated in.

