


heat exhaustion熱衰竭、heat stroke中暑

熱衰竭的英文是heat exhaustion,exhaust (v)有多重意思,可解釋爲「使精疲力竭」或是「用完、耗盡」,另外還有「廢氣」的意思。

We felt exhausted after a long journey. (在長途旅行後我們感到筋疲力盡。)

To find the resolution, we’ve exhausted all our resources. (爲了尋找解決方式,我們已經用盡了所有資源。)

One of the culprits of air pollution is car exhaust fumes. (汽車廢氣是造成空氣污染的罪魁禍首之一。)

exhaust 的形容詞是exhaustible「窮盡的」,經常與exhaustive (adj)搞混,這裡的意思爲「徹底的、完整的」,是多益測驗(https://bit.ly/3Q7x2w9)的重要單字,常和study/research 搭配,例如(an) exhaustive study/research「完整的研究」。

中暑(heat stroke)比熱衰竭更爲嚴重,stroke在此解釋爲「中風」,但是要注意stroke也是strike的過去式。strike當動詞有「打,襲擊」的意思,當名詞時則是「罷工抗議」。

If someone you know shows signs of a heat stroke, first, take him/her to a shaded area.(如果你認識的人出現中暑的症狀時,首先將他移至陰涼處。)

A magnitude 4 earthquake struck the island.(島上發生了一次四級地震。)


熱衰竭和中暑常伴隨着許多症狀,例如昏眩(dizziness),嚴重頭痛(severe headache)、疲倦(tiredness)、噁心(nausea)、嘔吐(vomit)、肌肉痙攣(muscle cramp)等,如果身旁友人全身發熱,卻沒有出汗(no sweating),但說出意識不清的話,則需要儘快就醫,這些單字在向醫生描述症狀時都非常實用。

sweat「流汗」可當動詞和名詞使用,但是口語上常聽到的no sweat 並不是「沒有出汗」,而是「沒問題、不費力」的意思。

We were covered in sweat after we finished an hour of Zumba.(跳完一個小時的Zumba後,我們汗流浹背。)

A: Can you help me move the desk? (你可以幫我搬那張桌子嗎?)

B: No sweat!(沒問題!)

vomit (v)「嘔吐」的同義字是throw up,嘔吐前常有的噁心感可以用形容詞nauseous或sick to one’s stomach 來表示。

“You could feel your heart rate increase rapidly without doing any strenuous activity and the culprit is a heat stroke. You may begin to feel sick to your stomach or physically vomit.” (Comanche Country Memorial Hospital.)(在沒有做任何耗費體力的活動下,如果你的心跳加快,有可能罪魁禍首就是中暑,你可能開始感覺噁心,甚至開始嘔吐。)

During the boat ride, my sister felt nauseous and vomited.(乘船時,我妹妹感覺噁心想吐。)


 Keep out of the sun between 11am and 3pm when the sun's rays are strongest.(避開中午11點到下午3點太陽最強的時候。)

keep out of就是avoid「避免」的意思,也可以解釋爲「不參與,不涉及」。

Store the medicine on the top shelve and keep it out of reach of children.(將藥物存放在頂層櫃子上,避免小孩拿到。)

 Keep in the shade, use sunscreen with a high SPF and UVA rating, and wear a wide-brimmed hat.(待在陰涼處,使用具高防曬係數的防曬乳,並戴上寬邊帽。)

shade(n) 有不同的意思,在此指的是「有遮蔽,陰影」的地方,例如tree shade (n)「樹蔭」,多益測驗中也會看到lampshade (n)「燈罩」;此外,shade也可解釋爲「顏色色調,色彩」。

The paint comes in different shades of blue and it’s hard to choose one that matches our furniture.(這油漆有不同深淺的藍色,很難選擇一種適合我們傢俱的顏色。)



1. ________ actual colors might differ slightly from what appears on your monitor, we recommend ordering several samples in similar shades first.

(A) If

(B) Even

(C) Since

(D) Therefore

2. This list of topics is not ________ but it will give you an idea of the issues which will be discussed in the meeting.

(A) different

(B) striking

(C) faint

(D) exhaustive


1. 正解爲(C)。語意爲「由於實際顏色可能與螢幕上顯示的有些微不同,我們建議您先訂購幾個顏色相似的樣品。」本題要選擇符合句意的副詞來引導子句,故(C)爲正確答案。

2. 正解爲(D)。語意爲「這份主題列表並不詳盡,但它會讓您對會議中將討論的問題有所瞭解。」本題爲單字題,要選出符合句意的單字。(A)不同的,(B)明顯的,(C)輕微的,(D)「完整的」符合句意,故爲正解。

文/徐碧霞 Valerie