中國海警「揮斧頭、長刀」砸船畫面曝! 菲控強行奪槍傷人如海盜

▲ 中國海警持斧頭威脅,持刀刺破菲律賓海軍充氣艇。(圖/翻攝自Armed Forces of the Philippines)



CCG personnel violently attached ropes to tow the AFP's RHIB while threatening to injure an AFP soldier w/ a pickaxe. They also employed blaring sirens to create chaos, disrupt communication, and divert the attention of AFP troops, exacerbating the hostile & dangerous situation.

The CCG launched a brutal assault on the AFP personnel aboard an AFP Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat (RHIB), aggressively ramming it and brandishing bladed and pointed weapons, explicitly threatening to harm AFP troops.

The CCG swarmed AFP's Rigid Hull Inflatable Boats (RHIBs) already moored alongside BRP Sierra Madre (LS57), escalating their aggression by wielding pointed weapons and explicitly threatening to harm Filipino troops.

The CCG continued its relentless harassment of AFP troops through a series of aggressive actions.

根據《美聯社》,菲國官員說明,當時2艘菲律賓海軍充氣艇前往仁愛暗沙(Second Thomas Shoal)執行補給任務,遭到多達8艘中國海警汽艇多次撞擊,甚至強行登船,一陣混戰後扣留菲方船隻,並持開山刀等刀械及榔頭加以破壞,還繳獲8支M4步槍、導航設備等物品,並打傷多名菲國海軍人員,其中一人失去右手拇指。


LOOK | The China Coast Guard's coercive, aggressive, and barbaric actions during the humanitarian rotation and resupply mission at BRP Sierra Madre in Ayungin Shoal on June 17, resulted in severe damage to AFP vessels, including their communication and navigation equipment.

菲律賓參謀總長布勞納(Romeo Brawner)在記者會上表示,「我們要求中國歸還我方步槍與裝備,並賠償他們造成的損失」,「他們違法登上我們的船隻,沒收我方裝備,這種行徑使他們有如海盜。」