Chapter 190: founder

"there was no way for the teacher. After observing the vital signs of Brother Black, I decided to prescribe this prescription." Ye Tao said calmly.

Gong Lao Yi listened to it, first stunned, and then laughed.

"it was so good that I really didn't expect that Gong Gong would still meet such a divine doctor in his lifetime, and that he was still so young that it was true that the waves behind the Yangtze River would push the waves forward." Gong Mu said with his face full of excitement.

Ah Jie, who was next to him, was surprised and looked at the two men with incredible eyes.

"No, Gong Lao, are you saying there is nothing wrong with this prescription?" Asked Jie, trembling.

No one expected that Gong Lao's silence for such a long time was not an outbreak. He actually praised Ye Tao. So many Chinese medicine doctors said there was something wrong with this prescription, but Gong Lao praised Ye Tao and everyone was full of doubts.

"question, what problem? Who said there was a problem? " Gong Lao looked at Ah Jie with a disgruntled face and asked.

"Oh, there's a problem, and sometimes it's a problem to prescribe too well." Gong Lao looked at Ye Tao with praise and relief.

After reading this prescription Gong Lao was not excited, but his attitude towards Ye Tao was enough to explain everything. Hearing Gong Lao's irony, everyone present did not feel blushed.

Even Gong Lao said that no problem, that of course is no problem, can only show that their medical skills are not good enough to see why.

"Oh, brother, you go to catch the medicine according to the prescription. Brother Black, this is a great opportunity, ah, lucky to meet such a divine doctor, another two or three years is no problem." Gong Lao said, handing back the prescription to ou Qing.

After receiving the prescription, ou Qing breathed a complete sigh of relief, while the Chinese medicine practitioners took a breath of cool breath.

Unscientific, this is really unscientific, obviously they can see that this prescription is miscellaneous, too messy and completely inconsistent with pharmacology.

But Gong looked at it, but he was very happy that it was too evil.

"Gong Lao, I wait for folly. Can you point out the subtlety of this prescription?" A Chinese medicine doctor waited for the opportunity to come forward and ask respectfully.

In this way, Gong Lao can leave an impression that he does not understand the question.

Unexpectedly, Gong Lao suddenly stiffened his face and looked at the Chinese medicine doctor who took the initiative to ask.

"exquisite? There is nothing subtle, this is the cure for saving people is very ordinary. " Gong Lao said in a dull tone.

Hearing this sentence, Ye Tao did not feel impressed by Gong Lao.

So far, Gong Lao is still the first person to see the mystery of his prescription so soon.

"Gong Lao, this..." Being said so by Gong Lao, the man could not hold his face embarrassed.

Gong Lao said that this prescription is very ordinary and ordinary, but these famous Chinese medicine doctors can not even see this.

In this way, people with clear eyes can see which is higher or lower.

"by the way, although this prescription is only a prescription for medical treatment, it must not be leaked out. You can transcribe it later and give it to me in such a way as to do so." Gong Lao said looking to Ye Tao for advice.

"Oh, don't hide it from you, although I have seen the delicacy of the prescription, but it has not been thoroughly studied, mainly want to see some of the way of thinking in this way of medicine." Gong Lao stroked his beard and said with a **ile.

After hearing this, ou Qing nodded his head in succession.

Gong Lao all said that, Ye Tao of course very agree.

Then ou Qing quickly transcribed the prescription in person, gave the original prescription to Gong Lao, and saw that Gong Lao actually asked someone else's prescription to go back to study. The doctor present was even more staring at the prescription, and everyone could not believe it.

"I didn't expect Dr. Ye. The medical skills were so extraordinary that they were almost misled. I almost offended Dr. Ye and asked Dr. Ye to forgive me."

Seeing things come to this point, Azuo hurriedly apologized.

Just now he thought Ye Tao was a deceitful doctor. Now, after being approved by Gong Lao, Azuge began to look impressed with Ye Tao.

It turned out that people were really trying their best to treat Brother Black, and Ah Jie, who was next to him, blushed and chose to sulk.

"Ah Zu brother praised, in the future according to my prescription on time medicine regular treatment, I believe it will take a long time to heal." Ye Tao said with a faint **ile.

"it turns out this young man's surname is Ye. I wonder if you have time to take a nap in the cold house. Let's discuss it." After learning Ye Tao's surname, Gong Lao **iled at Ye Tao and asked with expectation.

From beginning to end, Gong Lao did not show too much excitement.

After all, this is not in line with his current identity, but Ye Tao's medical skills still surprise him.

"Thank you for your kindness. It's just that Dr. Ye has arrived for the first time. There are still some things to deal with. When I have time some other day, I will take Dr. Ye to the door to visit." Without waiting for Ye Tao to open his mouth, ou Qing tactfully refused to go back to Ye Tao.

Ye Tao could not understand the practice of ou Qing, or nodded with him.

"that being the case, I won't ask for it. As long as Dr. Ye wants to come, the door of the cold house will be open at any time." Gong Lao thought a little bit about Lang Lang and said with a **ile.

After making sure that the prescription was all right, Gong Lao immediately left.

When Gong Lao left, the face of ou Qing immediately darkened, of course, this is mainly aimed at this group of Chinese medicine doctors.

"now that Brother Black has a prescription for his injuries, you are all scattered. If Brother Black still has a slight mistake in your hospital, I will take your hospital for a trial question." Ou Qing said coldly with a straight face.

Had it not been for this group of Chinese medicine doctors to blame it, because their own medical skills were not good at biting people here, it would not have happened such an awkward thing.

As soon as they heard it, they fled.

They are Chinese medicine doctors, famous, good medical skills, but just now. When these traditional Chinese medicine left, the face of Ah Jie was the most difficult to see in the presence.

"during this period of time, brother Ogao was also tired of running around for Brother Black. Now that the prescription is already available, the rest is to let Brother Black recuperate well. You can rest assured that I will send more people to protect Brother Black's safety and try to let him rest and recuperate and leave the hospital as soon as possible." Azugo looked at ou Qingping and said with a **ile.

Now that there is hope for the treatment of Brother Black's illness, Brother Azu's mood will naturally be let go.

"well, then I'll go back first, and Brother Black will bother Brother A Zu to take care of it." Ou Qing also did not stay long meaning to turn around and leave.

He gave Ah Jie a good look as he left.

The two men left the hospital, and when they got to the parking lot, Chen Fei had already driven out of the car and went back as soon as they got on the bus.

"Uncle O'Neal, I'm sorry I embarrassed you today." In the car, Ye Tao thought about it or said an apology.

Had it not been for Gong Lao to testify in the end, the misunderstanding would have become more and more serious just because of the eyesight of those Chinese medicine doctors alone.

Failure to protect will also lead to infighting, when in fame, he will fall into the downwind.

"Dr. Ye is too modest. I should apologize and apologize to you. If it hadn't been for your medical treatment, Brother Black might have died." Said ou Qing with a **irk.

Originally, when he brought Ye Tao, he actually did not hold much hope, especially when Gong Mu examined Brother Black, ou Qing actually had some reversion.

I don't know if Ye Tao is really unexpected. At present, he can not only cure Brother Black's injury, but also deter the unworthy Ah Jie, who can kill two birds with one stone.

"but I really admire your courage." Said ou Qinglang with a **ile.

After the knot of the heart was untied, ou Qing was also refreshed.

Ye Tao looked at him in bewilderment.

"Oh, you boy, I don't know if the newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, but it's also my fault that I didn't tell you in advance. Do you know who the black brother lying in the ward is? "

Ou Qing stroked his beard, looked out of the window, and **iled.

Ye Tao is no longer sensible, but he has also seen movies on TV, so he still knows something about some societies and so on.

"although it is not particularly clear, but still guess a part, but did not expect to the present, there is still such a thing as the club, that black brother is the seat of the club?" Asked Ye Tao.

Chapter 142: etiologyChapter 311: welcomeChapter 53: stop itChapter 378: To confirmChapter 134: cozeChapter 206: killerChapter 39: arroganceChapter 94: despicableChapter 404: join handsChapter 352: trickChapter 23: tough guestChapter 379: appallChapter 30: menacingChapter 65:hypnoticsChapter 79: teaseChapter 73:employeeChapter 387: thunderChapter 385: shortcutChapter 346: fairylandChapter 5:AnswersChapter 264: statusChapter 303: springeChapter 18: big peopleChapter 317: factChapter 204: send wordChapter 291: shakeChapter 335: thoughtChapter 271: rapidChapter 129: spiteChapter 153: storyChapter 376: listlessChapter 268: seetheChapter 301: startleChapter 173: requestChapter 38: angerChapter 31:meansChapter 287: mightyChapter 143: wagerChapter 86: attendChapter 160: The battleChapter 215: departureChapter 36: helpChapter 58: puzzledChapter 359: abjectionChapter 249: sneerChapter 115:spreadChapter 202: suffererChapter 211: weepChapter 113:productChapter 197: warningChapter 101: powerChapter 114: nameChapter 46: miracleChapter 224: send giftsChapter 188: concealChapter 209: cureChapter 289: conceitChapter 371: ShennongChapter 416: trialChapter 97: costChapter 205: businessChapter 404: join handsChapter 298: HelpChapter 360: considerChapter 231: apologyChapter 144: awaitChapter 359: abjectionChapter 96: seek helpChapter 193: fearChapter 167: excusesChapter 64: helpChapter 226: reliqueChapter 358: planChapter 226: reliqueChapter 312: clashChapter 129: spiteChapter 169: gratitudeChapter 220: gnosisChapter 8: RestorationChapter2:CrashChapter 57:miserableChapter 33:fearChapter 88: good deedChapter 218: accidentsChapter 126: old friendChapter 104: celebrateChapter 419: harvestChapter 332: entrustChapter 55:honorChapter 347: mildnessChapter 68: new workChapter 422: combatChapter 380: regressChapter 124: changeChapter 59: debtChapter 337: doubtChapter 62: resolveChapter 361: hazardChapter 151: mistakeChapter 205: business