Chapter 320: on purpose

", Yan is welcome! Mr. Ye has been invited. How can I, Tang Jun, not come? " Tang Junlang **iled.

And this kind of laughter, but also let everyone around is a breath of cool breath.

Yan Junwen opened his eyes even more!

Sure enough!

Sure enough, their grandson Yan Hua really teachers can only be the escort of Ye Tao, this Ye Tao is simply the existence of God ah!

"Mr. Ye, yes, Mr. Ye is right over there!"

Under Yan Junwen's excitement, he personally led Tang Jun to Ye Tao's side.

And Tang Jun also went up with a **ile on his face.

Only, Tang Jun took a few steps, the line of sight has fallen on Fu Zongtang's body.

"Oh, this is what bullshit Volong Group Chairman Fu Zongtang?"

This sentence of his words, so that everyone is difficult to swallow a mouthful of saliva!

Fu Zongtang was even more pale, when he woke up suddenly, as if he had just returned to his soul!

Tang Jun is coming for Ye Tao!

The warlord of this Qingzhou capital war zone unexpectedly came to Ye Tao!

How did this happen?!

Why every time he has a strong person to help, Ye Tao will have a stronger guy around him.

Why is this?

It's all like Ye Tao arranged it on purpose!

Fu Zongtang already felt death approaching towards himself.

And the Tang Jun in front of him is undoubtedly the god of death!

Yan Junwen heard Tang Jun say that Fu Zongtang was bullshit, but also laughed: ", yes, this is the chairman of the dog fart Volong Group, son of a bitch Zongtang!"


Every word contains bullshit in it, so that Fu Zongtang's whole face is green.

It looks like it's really **oked up by bullshit!

When Tang Jun said that he was bullshit, it was more like a slap in the face of everyone and constantly sucked in the face of another person.

This man is Lu Yishan!

Everyone knows that Lu Yishan is here today to take care of Fu Zongtang.

But now Fu Zongtang is said to be bullshit.

Well, there is a dog at the top of the mountain!

All of a sudden, how can Lu Yishan look good?

However, Tang Jun in front of him is his Lu Yishan's nemesis, in this joint bone eye, Lu Yishan is absolutely unable to provoke Tang Jun!

Otherwise, if he wants to be dispatched to other war zones, Tang Jun will casually write a report that is disadvantageous to Lu Yishan, then the future of Lu Yishan will be destroyed!

Therefore, even if Lu Yishan is no longer happy in his heart, he should squeeze a **ile at Tang Jun at this time!

At this time, on the contrary, there was no surprise at Yan Junwen's sudden change of attitude.

In front of Tang Jun Yan Junwen gave up fighting with Ye Tao and became Tang Jun's licking dog, which is not a shame at all.

It's even more understandable to everyone.

"Oh, Tang du Chan, you are here, too!"

Gong Xinyang took the lead in welcoming it and tried to squeeze out a **ile. He is now repentant of his intestines.

This time not only offended Ye Tao, even Tang Jun also completely offended!

However, in the face of the choice between Lu Yishan and Tang Jun, Gong Xinyang can only be two offenses, at least in face can not offend.

Then, we can only choose to offend Ye Tao.

"Oh, the palace boss, do not come unscathed ah, these two days to meet your land group business is very idle ah!"

Tang Jun **iled and greeted him. It seemed to be a joke to outsiders.

But Gong Xinyang is very clear, Tang Jun this is to dump his face to see it!

Sure enough, it was a complete offending!

In the heart between the bitter **ile, Gong Xinyang can only hurriedly explain: "Oh, this is not Mr. Ye in trouble, so, I hurry to come and have a look."

", I told you, you are the most righteous man in the palace!"

Tang Jun reached out and patted Gong Xinyang on the shoulder.

Then it showed a look of surprise and looked at Lu Yishan!

"Oh, General Lu, there you are, too!"

Lu Yishan saw Tang Jun's pompous acting skills, but the corners of his mouth twitched, but he nodded with a **ile at Tang Jun.

"Oh, I didn't expect Tang du to come, too. Why? Governor Tang knew this Mr. Ye? "

"Oh? So the land war will not know who Mr. Ye is? Hehe, I thought your father secretly told you Mr. Ye here, so I asked you to come and accompany you! "

Tang Jun asked doubtfully, and then he patted the shoulders of Lu Yishan with a **ile.

In the eyes of outsiders, the two men seem to be very familiar comrades in arms.

But Lu Yishan knows how much pressure he is under!

At the same time, after listening to Tang Jun's words, Lu Yishan's forehead is already full of cold sweat!

My father asked himself to accompany Ye Tao?

And you still have to sneak around and tell yourself the news?

This cool breath back, Lu Yishan can not believe to look at Ye Tao.

Can this boy exist on an equal footing with his father?

No wonder this boy and the guys around him are so arrogant! And you can say your father's name at once!

Thinking of this, the **ile on Lu Yishan's face is even more awkward!

Because, all his previous actions, has completely offended Ye Tao!

"Oh, Tang du war is joking, I have not had the honor to meet this Mr. Ye!"

Even with the rough waves in his heart, Lu Yishan is a man who can bend and stretch, which will lead to a U-turn of 180 degrees!

For a moment, everyone in the audience took a breath of cool air!

The victory or defeat has been reversed again!

Everyone could have thought that Lu Yishan would have pinched Ye Tao with one finger.

However, the emergence of Tang Jun reversed all the situation!

And let Lu Yishan's attitude towards Ye Tao be so respectful!

It is difficult to say that Ye Tao's status is higher than that of Lu Yishan.

At this time, no one dares to think at a higher level.

Can only look at Fu Zongtang with pity and all the more than 70 people who have just been named by Zheng Yang!

These people are going to die in the future!

At least in the capital of Qingzhou, it is very difficult for them to ask for food!


Behind Fu Zongtang Wang Ming actually collapsed on the ground on the spot, eyes dementia drooling out.

Looks like this guy was scared to the head!

At this time, however, no one was concerned about Wang Ming's life or death.

They are still in an unparalleled state of shock.

And Fu Zongtang's current state is the most complex, he trembled to the extreme, but also burned to the extreme in his anger!

This kind of impact by Ye Tao PUBG.

This feeling of death has been suppressed by Ye Tao.

The feeling that all the moments of planning have failed for a long time, all of which, without mercy, have torn apart Fu Zongtang's willpower!?

Fu Zongtang wants something to do with it.

Now I want to kill Ye Tao, desperate to kill Ye Tao.

However, the pressure of fear is not something that Fu Zongtang will be able to overcome for a while, so now Fu Zongtang's red face also seems to have a state of Alzheimer's disease!

"Don du Chan, dare to ask, this Mr. Ye is..."

Lu Yishan's attitude has been completely softened, and also humbly with the Tang Governor to consult Ye Tao's identity.

Obviously, he was afraid to ask Ye Tao directly.

If you don't say Ye Tao won't tell him, he will even hit him in the face!

Lu Yishan doesn't want to lose face in public again!

But even so, Lu Yishan still wants to know the details of Ye Tao, inexplicably offended a terrible existence, which is unacceptable to Lu Yishan!

At least when he looked back and blamed him, he knew what to say about it.

Of course, if we can not let dad know about this, Lu Yishan is doing his best not to say it!

"Oh, it's not convenient for me to tell you that land war is not coming for Mr. Ye."

Tang Jun directly refused to answer Lu Yishan's question.

Chapter 197: warningChapter 347: mildnessChapter 112: testsChapter 21: shoppingChapter 337: doubtChapter 66: prosperityChapter 6: EmergenciesChapter 353: decideChapter 125: contestChapter 365: abuseChapter 96: seek helpChapter 105: referralChapter 267: luckChapter 131: meetingChapter 280: crisesChapter 75: scapegoatChapter 241: fightersChapter 319: arrangeChapter 72: good luckChapter 236: threatsChapter 223: severeChapter 277: prudentChapter 81:strifeChapter 35: conditionsChapter 148: ventureChapter 76: have supperChapter 158: Go crazyChapter 248: surmiseChapter 359: abjectionChapter 218: accidentsChapter 65:hypnoticsChapter 136: loveChapter 45: skillChapter 219: medicineChapter 94: despicableChapter 99: dreamsChapter 230: meetChapter 6: EmergenciesChapter12:TurningChapter 165: tactChapter 273: priceChapter 335: thoughtChapter 160: The battleChapter 346: fairylandChapter 224: send giftsChapter 283: robbersChapter 73:employeeChapter 154: forgiveChapter 160: The battleChapter 255: worryChapter 267: luckChapter 269: storyChapter 86: attendChapter 120: guestChapter 121:furyChapter 222: comebackChapter 147: toxicantChapter 180: chatChapter 78: enemyChapter 237: shockChapter 288: cheerfulChapter 95:kneel downChapter 11: FailureChapter 232: impedeChapter 270: matchChapter 314:accidentChapter 194: restChapter 329: reportChapter 364: cureChapter 285: abilityChapter 43:pleadingChapter 345: activateChapter 85: rumorChapter2:CrashChapter 352: trickChapter 251: wagerChapter 140: A trumpetChapter 337: doubtChapter 255: worryChapter 50: fleerChapter 290: evidenceChapter 278: stealChapter 357: conspireChapter 204: send wordChapter 91: manager LiuChapter 36: helpChapter 308: rampantChapter 337: doubtChapter 401: agreementChapter 264: statusChapter 122: ferret outChapter 194: restChapter 401: agreementChapter 270: matchChapter 16: reckonChapter 404: join handsChapter 388: promoteChapter 396: wangChapter 351: roilChapter 315: convulse