



高曉飛感嘆道:“Isn't this magic pool too much against scientific theory?(這魔潭也太違反科學理論了吧?)”

布萊特更是無奈地浮想聯翩:“Could it be that the attraction of the magic pool is really controlled by some magic, which accounts for this inexplicable phenomenon?(難道,這魔潭的引力,真的是什麼魔法在控制,所以纔有了這種難以解釋的怪現象?)”

凱麗苦思冥想:“According to physics, gravity is the force exerted on an object by the attraction of the earth, which is proportional to its mass;But apparently, this magic pool violates this scientific theory, and its gravity does not seem to have anything to do with the mass of the object, so how to explain this abnormal phenomenon?(根據物理學的相關知識,重力就是由於地球的吸引而使物體受力,它與物體的質量成正比;但很顯然,這個魔潭違反了這一科學理論,它的引力似乎與物體質量沒有什麼關係,那麼這種反常的現象,又該怎麼樣解釋呢?)”

問天也感嘆道:“Even if be again strong electromagneti** field, also impossibly absorb all material!But here, what kind of physical phenomenon?(就算是再強大的電磁場,也不可能把所有的物質都吸附!可這裡,又是一種什麼物理現象?)”

布萊特凝視着藍洞,驚懼地說道:“If not, I prefer to believe that this is the entrance to hell, or that this pool was once cursed by death;Otherwise, a devil lived at the bottom of the pool, lurking at the bottom of the pool, watching over all that came, and showing off his magic to attract more creatures.(如果解釋不了,那我寧願相信這就是地獄入口,或者是這個水潭曾經受到過死神的詛咒;要不然,就是魔潭下面住着一個魔鬼,它潛伏在潭底,窺視着來到這裡的一切物種,也不厭其煩地炫耀着它的神奇魔法,來吸引更多生靈的到來。)”

凱麗沉思道:“The most mysterious place, lies in the incredible gravity under the blue hole, no matter what passes above the blue hole, without exception, all fall into the pool, any material fate is the same, with the water, before the purpose of the first into the pool, what is this?(最神秘的地方,就在於藍洞之下那令人難以置信的引力,無論什麼東西經過藍洞的上方時,無一例外都墜入潭中,任何的物質命運都是一樣,與水相伴,未達目的而先入潭中,這到底是什麼?)”

問天若有所思地說:“Perhaps there is another way to put it, that is, the gravity of black holes. Black holes are the most powerful gravitational field in the universe.Like a black hole devouring an object, such a strong gravitational field could exist on earth;The magic pool also has the possibility of this kind of gravitational field, is a place that can change the gravity, the magic pool has this strong gravity can be taken as proof.(或許,還有另一種說法,那就是黑洞引力。黑洞是宇宙中最強大的引力場,它所產生的巨大引力無可比擬,甚至連光也無法逃脫它的掌控,所以它經常吸走周圍或偶然闖入的天體;和黑洞吞噬天體一樣,地球上也可能存在着這樣的強引力場;魔潭也有存在了這種引力場的可能,這可能就是一個可以改變地心引力的地方,魔潭具有這種強大的引力就可以做爲證明。)”



凱麗思索着說:“If the origin of the black hole's gravitational field is true, then the formation of the blue hole's magic is the result of the topographic structure, at least more than a billion years!(如果黑洞引力場的成因成立,那就說明了這藍洞魔力的形成是地形構造所至,最少也得在十億年以上了!)”

布萊特道:“How did the primitive man who lived in this cave choose to live here?Isn't that dangerous?(那遠古居住在這洞裡的原始人,他們又是怎麼選擇住在這裡的?這豈不是很危險嗎?)”

高曉飛道:“The black hole's gravitational field is a kind of unusual super physical phenomena, the magic is only confined to the middle of the pool that little blue hole, as long as you don't go near the blue hole, the magic will can't catch the object, just like the dragons, it swimming is quite huge, only a close to the blue hole edge, magic was sucked down.(這黑洞引力場只是一種超乎尋常的超強物理現象,魔力也只是侷限於水潭中間的那個小藍洞,只要不去靠近藍洞,魔力就抓不住物體。就好像剛纔的野狗,它游水的時候還挺歡暢的,只是一靠近了藍洞的邊沿,才被魔力吸了下去。)”

問天點頭道:“Xiaofei ****ysis is reasonable, as long as clear understanding of the law of the blue hole magic state, will not have too much fear of it, so, ancient primitive humans chose to live here, naturally there is their reason.(曉飛分析得有道理,只要瞭解清楚藍洞魔力的規律狀況,就不會對它產生太多的恐懼,所以,遠古時代的原始人類選擇了住在這裡,自然是有他們的道理。)”

高曉飛環境四周,搖頭道:“It seems to me that this place is full of oddities and horrors, so we'd better go.(依我看來,這個地方不但到處都透着古怪,還帶着恐怖的氣氛,我們還是走吧。)”


高曉飛從水潭邊沿的石壁上扯下一段野藤,把那隻被凱麗打死的野狗四腳捆綁住,把竹棍穿過去,對着布萊特喊道:“Brett! Come and give me a hand and carry this delicious dish out.(布萊特!過來搭把手,把這美味佳餚擡出去。)”

“Delicate fine dining?(美味佳餚?)”布萊特疑惑地問道,“You mean, wild dogs for food?(你是說,要把野狗當食物嗎?)”

高曉飛以爲他不準吃狗肉,奇道:“What a weird question you asked!No food, lost?This but it wants to eat us first, is the fairy in order to protect us from harm, desperate to kill it, the fault is it, not we.(你問得好奇葩啊!不當食物,難道丟了?這可是它先要吃我們,是仙女爲了保護我們不受傷害,拼了命才把它反殺,錯的是它,而不是我們。)”

布萊特攤了攤雙手,笑着反問道:“It's the dog. I know that. I mean, is the meat edible?(錯的是狗,這我知道,我的意思是說,這野狗的肉能吃嗎?)”

高曉飛鬆了一口氣:“Who says dog can't be eaten? It's the biggest treat in the world!(誰說狗肉不能吃了?這可是天底下最大的美味!)”把竹棍一擺,喊道,“Hurry, lift up, we are also primitive people now, almost every day to find food.(趕緊的,擡起來,我們現在也是原始人,幾乎也要天天找食物的。)”






布萊特轉頭看了看正在忙碌着的問天和高曉飛,輕聲地問凱麗道:“Kelly! Are they really going to eat dog meat?(凱麗!他們是真的要吃狗肉嗎?)”

凱麗點了點頭,笑道:“That's right!If we can eat pork, why can't we eat dog?Wild boar and wild dog, besides both are wild animals, the essence should not be different?(對呀!我們既然能吃豬肉,爲什麼就不能吃狗肉呢?野豬和野狗,除了都是野生動物之外,實質性應該沒有不同吧?)”

“This is a wild dog, and we need food to survive in the Congo rainforest, but for dog meat, We've always discouraged eating it, and besides, is dog meat edible?(這是野狗,而我們現在爲了能夠活命走出這步步危機的剛果熱帶雨林,當然需要食物,但是對於狗肉,我們一直都不提倡食用,而且,狗肉能吃嗎?)”

“I know that, but as far as I know, except for a **all number of western countries that don't eat dog meat, most countries have a tradition of eating dog meat.In China, the dog is one of the six animals.As early as in ancient times, the ancestors of the Chinese people successively chose horses, cattle, sheep, chickens, dogs and pigs for breeding and domestication according to their needs of life and their understanding of the animal world. After a long time, they gradually became livestock and were all edible domesticated animals.(這我知道,但據我所知,世界上也就除了一小部分的西方國家不食用狗肉之外,大部分的國家都有食用狗肉的傳統;特別是在亞洲,食用狗肉非常普遍,非洲人就更加什麼都吃。在中國,狗是六畜之一。所謂的六畜,就是泛指家畜,分別是馬、牛、羊、豬、狗、雞。中國人的祖先早在遠古時期,根據自身生活的需要和對動物世界的認識程度,先後選擇了馬、牛、羊、雞、狗和豬進行飼養馴化,經過漫長的歲月,逐漸成爲了家畜,都是可以食用的馴養動物。)”凱麗聽問天和高曉飛講述過很多的中國傳統典故,說起來還是頭頭是道。

“But western countries are opposed to eating dog meat, feel so uncivilized, not to reflect a country's national civilization level of high bottom and quality.(可西方國家都反對吃狗肉,覺得這樣不文明,體現不了一個國家民族文明程度的高低和素質。)”

凱麗搖了搖頭,說:“I do not agree with this view, a country's national civilization level high base and quality, which has nothing to do with what to eat;Of course, hunting wild animals is very hateful, but as long as it is raised livestock, as long as it is not stolen, is allowed to eat;Does not mean they are prey to eat dog meat, in contrast, the world situation, but do not eat dog meat of the west race more aggression, rough degree is higher, basically the colonies all over the world is caused by the western powers, after world war ii, most of the world's only colonies won independence, now a lot of war between race and border, also because of the colonial period of harm, this can explain what again?(我並不認同這種觀點,一個國家民族文明程度的高底和素質,這和食用什麼並沒有任何的關係;當然,捕食野生動物是非常可恨的,但只要是飼養的家畜,只要不是偷盜而來的,都是可以允許食用的;吃狗肉的並不見得就都有劣根性,反觀世界局勢,反而是不吃狗肉的西方國家發起的種族侵略更多,野蠻程度更高,全世界基本上的殖民地都是由西方列強所造成的,二次世界大戰之後,世界上大多數的殖民地才獲得了根本獨立,而現如今很多的種族和國界之間的戰爭,也都是因爲殖民期間所遺留下來的危害,這又能說明什麼呢?)”

凱麗停了停,接着又說:“Of course, I'm a westerner, and America will always be my country, but I love China, too.China and the United States are the two most influential powers in the world. The best way is to work together to make efforts for the survival of mankind.(當然了,我是西方人,美國也永遠是我的祖國,但我,同樣也愛中國;中國和美國是世界上最有影響力的兩個大國,最好的辦法就是攜手合作,才能夠更好地爲了人類的生存事業而努力。)”

布萊特默默地點了點頭,感嘆道:“What you said is right and reasonable, but in the western nations, dogs are the most loyal friends of human beings and should not be treated as food animals.(你說的都對,也很有道理,但在西方民族之中,狗是人類最忠誠的朋友,不應該把狗當成食用動物。)”

凱麗笑道:“As a matter of fact, it is just a kind of eating habit among various nationalities, as long as it is not wild animals, as long as it is not stolen from the horse, cattle, sheep, pigs, dogs, chickens, what is the difference in essence?Of course, for those pet dogs, and can make a real contribution to human society livestock animals, people will not eat.(其實,這只是各民族之間的一種飲食習慣,只要不是野生動物,只要不是偷盜而來的,馬、牛、羊、豬、狗、雞,在本質上有什麼區別嗎?當然,對於那些寵物狗,和能夠真正爲人類社會做貢獻的家畜動物,人家也不會去吃。)”


“Because of the different ways of domestication, it is not delicious.(因爲馴養的方式不同,所以不好吃。)”凱麗笑了笑,又接着說,“欎 state, is the time for the so-called dog meat section, and fall into the Chinese city of the international public opinion, is dad and xiao-fei gao their hometown;In 欎 states, the summer solstice is a traditional Chinese solar terms, and dog 鬰 states litchi is not a holiday, just a traditional eating habits;The day at the summer solstice, 鬰 state transfer of the people is the emotion, friendship, express the true feelings, family reunion, miles of friends from afar, the likeable, no, more is not what the outside world, even in the western media hype the brutality.(欎州,就是這段時間爲了所謂的狗肉節而陷入國際輿論的中國城市,就是老爸和高曉飛他們的家鄉;在欎州,夏至是一箇中國傳統節氣,而鬰州的狗肉荔枝也並不是什麼節日,只是一個傳統的飲食習慣罷了;夏至這一天,鬰州人民傳遞的是情感、友誼,抒發的是真情,家人相聚,不遠千里的朋友遠道而來,一團和氣的好日子,根本就沒有,更不是外界,甚至於西方媒體所炒作的那些野蠻行爲。)”

凱麗舒了一口氣,又接着說道:“There is an old saying in China, the chicken is the morning, the dog is barking the thief, the ox is bearing the burden, the horse is far away;We all eat the same chicken, cow and horse, and the same as the dog in the six animals, and what is the essential difference?(中國有一句古話,雞司晨,犬吠盜,牛負重,馬致遠;雞牛馬我們都一樣吃,而同爲六畜中的狗,又有什麼本質上的區別?)”


“East and west countries have different cultures, but in terms of the survival of human beings, we should not blame each other;And the most important thing is to work together to protect the existing wildlife, to maintain the peace between animals and human beings, to protect the environment, to protect the whole nature, this is the future of all life on earth. And the way of hope.(東、西方各國的文化都不盡相同,但在關於人類生存大計方面,更不應該互相指責;而最重要的,是要攜手合作,保護好現有的野生物種,共同維護動物與人類之間的和平相處,愛護環境,保護好整個大自然,這纔是地球所有生靈的未來之路和希望之路。)”

布萊特整個人都呆住了,怔怔地看了凱麗好一會,這纔開口感嘆着說:“Kelly!You really grow up, is not the past that don't know how to be unruly little girl!(凱麗!你真的長大了,已經不是以前那個不明事理的刁蠻小女孩了!)”

凱麗微微一笑,心中釋然,輕輕地說道:“I can grow up, I can mature, because of them.(我之所以能夠長大,之所以能夠成熟,完全是因爲有了他們。)”她側頭看了看在後面忙碌着的問天和高曉飛笑了笑。她知道,自己並不止是單純地長大了,而是成熟了,懂得了分辨事理,更懂得了如何去看待這個世界上的方方面面,而讓她擁有這一切的,都是來自於一個人,一個以前和她毫無瓜葛的中國人:蕭問天。





“好香!”高曉飛使勁吸了吸鼻子,用刺刀割了一小片烤好的狗肉嚐了嚐,又把手指放進嘴裡吸了吸,看着布萊特問道,“Dare you try it?(敢不敢嘗一嘗?)”

“Of course.(那是當然。)”布萊特笑着聳了聳肩膀,兩眼緊緊地盯着烤好的狗肉。



高曉飛一把搶過刺刀:“B: well, just taste it. You'll have to save it for this packet. That's the real treat.(嗯,品嚐一下就可以了,你得留着肚子吃下面這一包,那纔是真正的珍品美味。)”笑着指了指篝火之下。




高曉飛看得目瞪口呆:“Well, I thought you said you couldn't eat dog meat. But you can eat too much!(嗯,你不是說狗肉不能吃嗎?可你也太能吃了吧!)”





“There's **oke ahead, and fire, and it's so high!(前面有濃煙,還有火光,好高好大!)”竹筏剛轉過一處灣道,站在竹筏前面的布萊特就喊了起來。

“It's supposed to be a volcano, and it's an erupting volcano.(應該是火山,而且是正在噴發中的火山。)”大家一齊擡頭看了過去,只見遠處泛着紅光與煙霧,升騰到空中,縈繞在山頂。

“There's still a long way to go.(應該還有很遠的一段距離。)”

“Hey, Brett!You've taken the wrong turn. We've veered south.(喂,布萊特!你拐錯航道了,我們已經偏離了南面的方向。)”高曉飛連忙喊了起來。

布萊特說道:“I didn't take a wrong turn, but there was no river to the south.(不是我拐錯了航道,而是南面根本就沒有河道了。)”

凱麗道:“Can not deviate from the direction, otherwise we will only transit in the rainforest circle, never break out!(不能夠偏離了方向,不然的話我們就只會在雨林中轉圈子,永遠也闖不出去!)”



“Over there, take a break.(那邊,休息一下。)”衆人氣喘吁吁地穿行在山高林密的雨林中,只見前面的一座山前出現了一處開闊地帶,周圍綠草如茵,岩石遍佈,陽光明媚,環境相當優美。








“Oh god! What the hell is this?(噢上帝!這到底是什麼惡鬼?)”布萊特驚呼一聲,他雖然是動保人士,可也不認識這個鬼魅一樣的怪物到底是什麼物種。

問天思索了一會,鬆了一口氣,把槍放下,看着那隻怪物說道:“It's called the mandrill, and in biological classification, it's a member of the macaque subfamily, and in ancient China, it was also called the mandrill.(它叫鬼臉猴,在生物分類上,屬於獼猴亞科。在中國古代,它們還有另外一個名字,叫做山魈。)”

“Drills?Is it a description of the monster, the mandrill of the mandrill?(山魈?是不是專門描述妖魔鬼怪,魑魅山魈中的山魈?)”高曉飛拍着心口問道。

“Is it.(就是它。)”問天說道,“The mandrill, named after an earlier Chinese book called the book of mountains and seas, describes a monster with a colorful face, all black hair, that laughs when people laugh.(山魈這個名字,正是出自中國較早期的志怪古籍《山海經》,其中就描述了一種長着一副七彩人臉的怪物。它們全身都是黑毛,看到人笑它們也笑。描述與現實中的鬼臉猴頗爲相似,所以,山魈的原形就是鬼臉猴。)”

“Well, it almost scared the hell out of me!(嗯,差點就把我給嚇死了!)”高曉飛喘息着嘆了一聲。

“It's so scary!At night, I'm sure it would scare me to death!(它長得也太恐怖了!要是在晚上,肯定會被它活活嚇死!)”凱麗也是驚恐連聲。

問天笑道:“When we were children, some children are not obedient, some old people will tell the mandrill story to frighten the children: or not obedient, you sent to the mandrill grandmother to eat;The mandrill refers to the goblin living in the mountains.(我們小時候,有些小朋友不聽話,一些老人家就講山魈故事來嚇唬小孩:再不聽話,就把你送去給山魈外婆吃了;山魈外婆,所指的就是住在深山裡的山精鬼怪。)”

布萊特看着那隻鬼臉猴,疑惑地說道:“Isn't he too much like a demon?There are such species in the world!(它也長得太像一隻惡鬼了吧?這世界上居然有如此的物種!)”

問天解釋道:“In this ancient Chinese book, the book of mountains and seas, there are some records about mandrills. In some places, they are called monseiguan, shandu, mountain ghost, mountain spirit, etc., which are regarded as monsters.Open the book of mountains and seas, you can see a very fantastic continent, records of different countries and tribes, and hundreds of species, but these species described more special, most of them are some unheard of, seen never seen, the form of strange creatures;But the book of mountains and seas, like its legend, provides some guidance for modern people to understand the mysterious world and adds a strong mysterious color to the exploration of the unknown.(在中國的《山海經》這本古籍中,流傳着一些關於山魈的記載,有些地方叫它山大人、山都、山鬼、山精等,被視作妖怪。翻開《山海經》這本書,就能夠見到一個十分奇幻的大陸,記載了不同的國家和部落,還有上百種物種。只不過這些描述的物種更加特殊,大都是一些聞所未聞、見所未見,形態千奇百怪的生物。但《山海經》正和它的傳說一樣,爲現代人瞭解那個神秘的世界提供了一些指引,也給人類的探索未知增添了濃厚的神秘色彩。)”(未完待續)
