2019時代「百大影響力人物」出爐! 泰勒絲、BTS、巨石強森都上榜


美國時代雜誌(Time)18日公佈2019年「世界百大最具影響力人物名單,其中藝人包括巨石強森(Dwayne Johnsin)、泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)、亞莉安娜(Ariana Grande)、女神卡卡(Lady Gaga)都上榜。藝人名單中更有不乏亞洲代表,包括韓裔加拿大籍女演員吳珊卓,以及韓團防彈少年團(BTS)。

Looking for the perfect playlist to listen to while reading the #TIME100? @Spotify has got you covered: https://t.co/ABFTWZzQUC pic.twitter.com/5EnKJCrNwj

依照慣例,每位被選上的代表,都將由另一位名人撰寫推薦語。泰勒絲的推薦語出自歌手尚恩曼德斯(Shawn Mendes)之手,他寫道:「泰勒絲讓所有年長者都覺得自己又年輕了,而所有年輕人都覺得自己無所不能。」席琳狄翁則稱讚女神卡卡:「她有全世界最美的聲音,充滿力量、使人信服熱情感性。」

.@ShawnMendes: “The magic of @taylorswift13 doesn’t come from the lights, dancers or fireworks (although all of that is incredible) but from the electrifying connection that she has with the people who are there to see her” #TIME100 https://t.co/qRVXJShEw5 pic.twitter.com/RR8BBVu8Hx

曾演過《實習醫生》、《追殺夏娃》,更成爲金球獎首位韓裔影后的吳珊卓(Sandra Oh),是藝人名單中亞洲代表之一,更被列在「先驅者」的名單中。另一名好萊塢巨星巨石強森同樣榜上有名,「神力女超人蓋兒加朵稱讚道:「好萊塢沒有人像巨石強森,當然也很少有人像他這麼忙。不過若有幸一起工作,會發現他內心充滿溫暖和積極。」

Dwayne @TheRock Johnson: “I heard a great quote one time when I was 15—I’ll never forget it—which was, ‘it’s nice to be important, it’s more important to be nice’” #TIME100 https://t.co/GHkNx78kZx pic.twitter.com/W8ij9YdxJL


.@halsey on @BTS_twt: “Behind those three letters are seven astounding young men who believe that music is stronger than the barriers of language. It’s a universal dialect” #TIME100 https://t.co/GPZ6jzzBYe pic.twitter.com/WQ1aPil5bh

此外包括亞莉安娜(Ariana Grande)、新科奧斯卡影帝雷米馬利克(Rami Malek)、「驚奇隊長」布麗拉森、「龍後」艾米莉亞克拉克、《幸福綠皮書馬赫夏阿里、「變性名模伊迪摩爾、葛倫克蘿絲、史派克李、蕾吉娜金恩、《羅馬雅利扎阿巴里西奧、哈桑明哈傑瑞恩墨菲理察麥登、Khalid等藝人都榜上有名。

.@celinedion on @ladygaga: “She’s an amazing musician, composer, performer and, as we saw in ‘A Star Is Born,’ an incredible actress, but her legacy reaches well beyond show business” #TIME100 https://t.co/wa7JboHmX9 pic.twitter.com/Lwm2UpHEmY