阿榮福利味/Remote Utilities - 遠端遙控軟體


殺手級專業遠端遙控軟體 - Remote Utilities(簡稱:RUT),可以說是VNC跟TeamViewer的合體,內建傳輸加密功能(2048位元公鑰及AES演算256位元工作階段密鑰),跟TeamViewer一樣可以產生一組「Internet ID」,可以設定固定連線密碼,透過中介伺服器(Mediation Server)來突破防火牆封鎖,也可以直接使用IP來連線,有軟體遠端派送、雙向影音聊天、觀看遠端電腦攝影機檔案傳輸、遠端執行應用程式熒幕錄製、RDP連線、遠端DOS模式操作、遠端登錄檔編輯資產管理...等強大功能。(阿榮)

Host:被控安裝版Viewer:主控端安裝版Agent:被控端免安裝版Portable Viewer:主控端免安裝版

Remote Utilities™ is remote desktop software that provides easy and secure access to a remote PC. With Remote Utilities, you can view the remote screen and operate its mouse and keyboard as if you were sitting right in front of it. Remote Utilities can connect over either a LAN or the Internet. In either case the connection can be established directly using an IP address, or indirectly using the Internet ID - a firewall bypass feature that is today's standard for advanced and powerful remote PC access software.

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