阿榮福利味/Imagine - 支援萬國碼的輕巧看圖軟體


羽量級看圖軟體 - Imagine,支援萬國碼(Unicode)、具有GIF動畫製作及播放功能體積小是它的最大特色,看圖的時候按「空白鍵」跳下一張、按「倒退鍵」跳上一張,支援幻燈片模式播放,比較特別的功能還有產出獨立播放執行檔(*.exe)或熒幕保護程式(*.scr)、建立多重圖頁(產出*.tif檔)...等等。(阿榮)

- View and save image/animation files with very fast speed- Support for numerous image/animation file formats:GIF, BMP, PNG, JPG, TIF, TGA, PCX, ICO, ANI, FLI, and many more...- Extract single/all frames from animation files- Show detailed information of image/animation files- Show EXIF information- Show or hide transparency- Support ZIP, RAR, 7Z, ALZ, HV3, CBZ, CBR, CB7 file- 64-bit version available- Unicode version available- Thumbnail browser- Capture screen- Batch conversion- Slideshow

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