春分|平分春色 生機盎然
齊魯網·閃電新聞3月20日訊 春分至,晝夜均。日光暖融,似溫柔畫筆,暈染出繽紛世界。今天,我們迎來二十四節氣中的第四個節氣——春分。閃電新聞帶您瞭解春分時節的景象。
The Spring Equinox has arrived, bringing equal lengths of day and night, and the world is bursting with vibrant colors. The sun shines warmly, like a gentle brush painting the world in a kaleidoscope of hues. Today, we welcome the fourth solar term of the traditional Chinese calendar—Chunfen (Spring Equinox). Shandian News takes you on a journey to explore the sights and scenes of this beautiful season.
閃電新聞記者 胡興潤 嚴瑾 報道