

一、The 24 Solar Terms丨立冬丨Start of WinterRed leaves depart,stay line yellow flower黃花獨帶露,紅葉已隨風。The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Start of Winter, the 19th solar term of the year and the first solar term of winter, which means winter is coming and crops harvested in autumn should be stored up.中國傳統農曆將一年分爲24個節氣。立冬,是一年中的第十九個節氣,也是冬季的第一個節氣。這意味着冬天即將來臨,秋天收穫的莊稼要儲存起來。Eating dumplings吃餃子A legend has it that at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty (AD25-220), "Medical Saint" Zhang Zhongjing saved many people in Henan province from a typhoid epidemic and their ears from being frostbitten around Start of Winter.相傳在東漢末年“立冬”前後,“醫聖”張仲景救了河南許多患傷寒和耳朵凍傷的人。《立冬即事二首》(宋)仇遠細雨生寒未有霜,庭前木葉半青黃。小春此去無多日,何處梅花一綻香。小雪,是二十四節氣中的第二十個節氣,也是冬季的第二個節氣。二、小雪如何英語表達?The 24 Solar Terms丨小雪丨Slight Snow小雪時間點在每年公曆11月22日-23日之間。Minor Snow refers to the timewhen it starts to snow, mostly in China's northern areas, and the temperature continues to drop.“小雪”意味着中國北部大部分地區有初雪飄落,溫度持續走低。《夜泊荊溪》(唐)陳羽小雪已晴蘆葉暗,長波乍急鶴聲嘶。孤舟一夜宿流水,眼看山頭月落溪。三、The 24 Solar Terms丨大雪丨Major Snow“大者,盛也。至此而雪盛矣。” 此時的降雪量並不一定是最大的,但降雪的機率在逐漸增大。大雪時間點在每年公曆12月6日-8日之間。During Major Snow, the snow becomes heavy and begins to accumulate on the ground. The temperature drops significantly.大雪時節,降雪量增大,地面開始積雪,溫度下降顯著。民間素來有 “瑞雪兆豐年”("A timely snow promises a good harvest.")的說法。待到白雪覆蓋茫茫大地,越冬的害蟲會被低溫殺死。四、The 24 Solar Terms丨冬至丨Winter Solstice這是一個寒冷的節氣——北半球全年白晝最短、夜晚最長的一天;“數九寒天”的開始,從冬至到小寒、大寒,是一年中最冷的時段。There was a saying in ancient China, "The Winter Solstice is as significant as the Spring Festival."中國古代有“冬至大如年”的說法。The Winter Solstice is also known as the "small New Year" when people maintain customs such as ancestor worship and family reunion.冬至也被稱爲“小年”,人們在這一天保持祭祖、閤家團圓等習俗。

五、The 24 Solar Terms丨小寒丨Minor Cold俗話說:小寒大寒,凍成冰團。一年中最爲寒冷的時節已經到了。During Minor Cold, most areas in China have entered the bittercold stage of winter. The ground and rivers are frozen. The coldair from the north moves southward continuously.小寒時節,中國大部分地區已進入寒冬。天寒地凍,河水結冰,北方的冷空氣持續向南推進。浣溪沙(宋)舒亶燕外青樓已禁菸,小寒猶自薄勝綿。畫橋紅日下鞦韆,惟有樽前芳意在。應須沈醉倒花前。綠窗還是五更天。六、The 24 Solar Terms丨大寒丨Major Cold俗話說“過了大寒,又是一年。”大寒是中國傳統二十四節氣(the 24 traditional Chinese solar terms)中的第二十四個節氣,也是農曆年中的最後一個節氣。和小寒Minor Cold對應,大寒的英語表達爲Major Cold。此時,窗外已是千里冰封,萬里雪飄,而屋內人們則開始熱火朝天地備年貨,灑掃除塵,團圓的喜氣爲寒冷的冬天增添了不少暖意。During Major Cold, as the cold current moves southward, the weather becomes bitterly cold.大寒時節,由於寒潮向南移動,天氣變得十分嚴寒。

大寒節氣有哪些習俗呢?Eating eight-treasure rice pudding 吃八寶飯Eight-treasure rice pudding is a traditional festival food in Major Cold. It is famous all over the country, especially in regions south of the Yangtze River.八寶飯,大寒節氣習俗食物,流行於全國各地,江南尤盛。Eating cold dispelling cake 吃消寒糕Sticky rice, the cake's major ingredient, contains more sugar than rice, which can make people feel warm all over their bodies.糯米是消寒糕的主要原料,其含糖量比大米高,可使人感到全身暖和。Drinking stewed soup 喝燉湯Residents in Nanjing of Jiangsu province prefer to drink stewed soup during Major Cold, which can make people feel warm from head to foot. They always stew the aged hen soup with ginseng, wolfberry and black fungus.在江蘇南京,人們喜歡在大寒燉湯喝,可以讓人從頭暖到腳。人們將常用人蔘、枸杞和黑木耳燉老母雞湯。爲了便於記憶24節氣,勞動人民創作了“24節氣歌”。春雨驚春清谷天夏滿芒夏暑相連秋處露秋寒霜降冬雪雪冬小大寒