快訊/BBC更正「英情侶抱怨檢疫所」報導 加入臺灣外交部迴應


英國媒體BBC報導一對情侶娜塔莉.道森(Natalie Dawson)與澳洲籍男友皮克斯利(Rohan Pixley)14日入境臺灣,稱沒錢住民宿被安排到花蓮檢疫所,但抱怨環境一事,掀起網友盛怒。對此,在我外交部交涉下,BBC稍早已更正報導,並加入我方迴應平衡報導。


針對英國媒體BBC一則題爲「Coronavirus: Fears for daughter in quarantine in Taiwan」的報導,指稱有英國民衆反映女兒與澳洲籍男友遭我國要求居家檢疫14天,受到待遇不佳。對此,外交部晚間發出聲明表示,經向花蓮縣政府查證,發現該報導引述說法不符事實,這對情侶稱沒錢在原旅館住14天,才由花蓮縣政府衛生局安排入住檢疫中心,並非受到我方強制安排。








Not prison-like conditions'

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan said the couple had told authorities they could not afford to continue their quarantine stay in a hotel, so they were placed in a local quarantine centre "with their consent".

"While its facilities may not be comparable to a hotel in comfort, they are not 'prison-like conditions', nor are people living at the center locked in," a MOFA statement said.

"The center had initially arranged for the couple to reside separately in accommodations equipped with washroom facilities not to be shared with anyone else. However, the hot water heater in the accommodation assigned to the woman was found to be faulty. After she made this known, she was given a better equipped room.

"The center then arranged for designated shower facilities for her to ensure both privacy and convenience, and in line with its plans concerning quarantined individuals.

"The woman had requested permission to share a room with her boyfriend, but as this would defeat the principles underlying quarantine, and as the center wishes to prevent avenues for the disease to spread, her request was denied."

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) said it was working with officials to release the couple.



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