快訊/佛洛伊德之死全美持續沸騰 白宮急封鎖…記者困在大樓內部


美國明尼蘇達州非裔男子佛洛伊德(George Floyd)之死引發全美輿論怒火,根據美媒最新消息白宮已於當地時間29日晚間「封鎖」,避免受到抗議羣衆影響,NBC記者亞歷山大(Peter Alexander)則在推特表示,由於白宮突然對外封鎖,他與多名記者都困在白宮內部。


除了白宮周邊進行封鎖,明尼阿波利斯市市長佛雷(Jacob Frey)此前也下令,將於本週末執行宵禁,晚間8時到隔日清晨6時,街上不能有民衆駐足。不過,大批羣衆仍在街上抗議,無視市長的宵禁令,並與警方國民兵持續對峙;警方則於29日晚間施放催淚瓦斯

Shit getting real at CNN HQ. 15-20 cops defending the CNN building in Atlanta. Dude with skateboard got tased twice and both times pulled out the wires and laughed at cops. pic.twitter.com/FeTYZMYSjp


The White House is under lockdown orders from the U.S. Secret Service due to protests outside the gates over George Floyd.A dozen reporters, myself included, still inside the West Wing.

Curfew in Minneapolis has landed. Tear gas fills the distance. Protesters push on throughout the area. Tensions haven’t been high tonight until now. Field reporting - @SophNar0747 pic.twitter.com/RSH76E7err