快訊/墨爾本隨機刺人釀1死3傷! 勇猛路人「抓手推車撞歹徒」

Witnesses are describing hearing a loud bang and a car on fire in the Bourke St Mall.MFB says a car is on fire.@meegslouise pic.twitter.com/3Qz3iUnKKr


澳洲第二大城墨爾本市區驚傳隨機刺人案,造成至少1死3傷,傷者包括歹徒市中心布爾克街(Bourke Street)9日下午4時許傳出爆炸聲,一名男子開車衝撞店家現場爆出濃烈火焰。從影片中可見,一名男子不斷揮舞刀子,與兩名警察在大街上對峙。警方表示,歹徒身受重傷,目前已經被逮捕,被刺傷的人們也正在接受救治。


@abcmelbourne #bourkest source from wechat pic.twitter.com/PiHjr6UzJ1

這起事件發生在人潮衆多的大街上,上百位市民遊客被擋在封鎖線外,附近的商店暫停營業電車也停止行駛。在布爾克街商場的目擊者告訴《衛報》,「我們聽到一聲巨響」,還看見一團火球。墨爾本所在的維多利亞省(Victoria)省長安德魯斯(Daniel Andrews)則發佈推文提醒民衆避開事發地點

Video taken in #BourkeStreet shows a man attacking police. @VictoriaPolice say they responded to a car fire on the corner of Bourke and Swanston streets after 4pm. A man was arrested at the scene. More here: https://t.co/SLKuUflTQtvia @fayfayang pic.twitter.com/ZbtgxPvxcc

Intersection of Swanston & Bourke completely shut off. ⁦@abcnews⁩ ⁦@abcmelbourne⁩ pic.twitter.com/5Od9SHPULS

Significant fire in Bourke Street - road blocked between Swanston and Russell Streets pic.twitter.com/H6xO1pzy5L

Fire crews are at the scene and the ute fire has been extinguished. Crowds have gathered watching it all unfold behind police lines #BourkeSt @naamanzhou pic.twitter.com/QgRTQipHRP

▼ 事件發生在墨爾本市中心的布爾克街(Bourke Street)。(示意圖路透社

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