



今天外刊精講直播的文章來自《華盛頓郵報》的——The United States used to have cachet in China. Not anymore.





學有所得 2024年進步✌

The United States used to have cachet in China. Not anymore. “Soft power” is even more important during times of sharp words and military bluster, but the cultural appeal of American culture and ideas has waned in China.


重點詞彙:bluster v. /ˈblʌstə(r)/

to talk in an aggressive or threatening way, but with little effect氣勢洶洶地說話,咄咄逼人,威嚇(但效果不大)

例句:‘I don't know what you're talking about,’ he blustered.


• a blustering bully 咄咄逼人的惡霸

There was a time not so long ago in China when anything American was automatically seen as better. In the 1990s, weddings were held at McDonald’s. By the 2000s, Nike sneakers, iPhones and dates at Pizza Hut were the badges of middle-class achievement. America, which is called “Meiguo” or “beautiful country” in Chinese, was the bastion of wealth and ease. Even the moon hung larger in the United States than in China, people used to joke.

✅翻譯:不久前的中國曾經有一段時間裡,美國的任何東西都被認爲是更好的。20 世紀 90 年代,人們在麥當勞舉行婚禮。到了 2000 年代,耐克鞋、蘋果手機和在必勝客的約會是達到中產階級標誌。美國,在中國被稱爲 “漂亮國”,曾是財富和安逸的堡壘。人們常開玩笑說,美國的月亮都比中國大。

重點詞彙:sneaker n./ˈsniːkər/

Sneakers are casual shoes with rubber soles that people wear often for running or other sports. 運動鞋

重點詞彙:bastion n. /ˈbæstʃən/

a group of people or a system that protects a way of life or a belief when it seems that it may disappear堡壘;捍衛者

• a bastion of freedom 捍衛自由的堡壘

Now, Chinese media and commentators mockingly refer to the United States not as “Meiguo” but as “Meidi” — “the beautiful imperialist.” And Chinese shoppers are more likely to be sipping a drink from Luckin, a Chinese coffee chain, than Starbucks or lining up all night to buy Huawei’s Mate 60 Pro than the latest Apple device. Today, no one says the moon is any different when seen from the United States.

✅翻譯:現在,中國媒體和評論員諷刺性的稱美國 “美帝”,而不是“美國”--“美麗的帝國主義”。與星巴克相比,中國消費者更願意喝中國咖啡連鎖店 瑞幸 的咖啡;消費者會通宵排隊購買華爲的Mate 60 Pro,而不是最新的蘋果設備。現在,沒有人說在美國看到的月亮有什麼不同。

重點詞彙:mocking adj. /ˈmɑːkɪŋ/

showing that you think sb/sth is ridiculous嘲笑的;嘲弄的;愚弄的 SYN contemptuous

• a mocking smile嘲弄的微笑

重點詞彙:imperialist /ɪmˈpɪərɪəlɪst/

1. adj. Imperialist means relating to or based on imperialism. 帝國主義的

例句:The developed nations have all benefited from their imperialist exploitation.


2. n. An imperialist is someone who has imperialist views. 帝國主義者

例句:He claims that imperialists are trying to re-establish colonial rule in the country.



