8.6公斤吉娃娃胖到「擡腳尿尿滾出去」 5個月減掉半個自己

#fbf to the day mom saved me. I was at my heaviest 19 lbs. I could barely walk and standing up was difficult. Ive lost 5 lbs since this photo was taken. #onmywaytoahealthylife #chihuahuasofinstagram . #fromfattofit #rescuesaveslives #endpetobesity #ahealthypetisahappypet

SukiAngelBaby(@suki.angel.baby)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 5月 月 11 日 下午 1:14 張貼


Suki是一隻吉娃娃,牠的身體圓滾滾真的像一顆「奇異果」,19磅(約8.61公斤)的體重足足比應有的多了13磅(約5.89公斤),和主人出門去散步幾乎走不動,直到遇到了 Sadie Cox 生命總算有了轉機

Sadie Cox在街上第一眼看到Suki就覺得不妙,於是上前告訴飼主狗狗太胖壞處多,要是沒有辦法好好照顧,那們牠很願意領養,而對方同意了。Sadie Cox告訴國外媒體《The Dodo》,Suki連尿尿想擡騎腳都會滾出去,「從那一刻開始我下定決心要讓牠過上正常的狗生,幫牠重新學習當一隻狗,例如玩、撿球,幫牠變得健康快樂。」

Suki一到新傢什麼都怕,連站起來都很容易跌倒,必須要趴着吃飯,即使情況有些棘手,新媽媽還是不想放棄。因爲過重做什麼都不方便,Suki每天都趴在籠子生氣,Sadie Cox帶牠去看醫生,並且使用減重處方飼料,「我們慢慢開始運動,一分鐘一分鐘進行的,但是外面的世界讓牠嚇壞了,無論花草樹木地板車子,什麼都怕。」


Happy Friday friends And Hi to all of my new followers who came to be a part of my journey after reading about me on The Dodo. I’m excited to share my #weightlossjourney . I’m so close to getting to my #goalweight . Just this morning Mom was telling me how little my booty is now I used to be called chubbo and chubba bubba. But guess what! No one can call me those names anymore! I hope you’re having a terrific day! #newme Suki . #happyfriday #mystory #sukisjourney . #sukiangelbaby . #doggosdoingthings #dogsonig #onadiet #dogonadiet #chihuahualife #chihuahualove #fattofit #fitnessjourney #fattofab #cihuahuasofig #chihuahuagram #chiwawa #buzzfeedanimals #gettingfit #chihuahuas

SukiAngelBaby(@suki.angel.baby)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 9月 月 7 日 下午 12:40 張貼