
▲這隻陵蘭鯊魚,見證好幾個世紀歷史。(圖/翻攝自Anglophone Tribune)


活過好幾個世紀!哥本哈根研究所的生物學家尼爾森(Julius Nielsen)及其他生海洋物學家,在北大西洋發現一隻高齡512歲的格陵蘭鯊魚,堪稱最古老的活脊椎動物。活過好幾個世紀的牠,歷經了伽利略繪製宇宙圖及美國獨立時代,甚至比1564年出生的莎士比亞還早。

綜合外媒報導,該研究小組發發現一隻18英尺(約5.4公尺)的雌性格陵蘭鯊魚,並利用放射性碳定年法」,估算出512歲的高齡;雖然牠的確切存活時間還不得而知,但是當尼爾森(Julius Nielsen)完成他的「陵蘭鯊魚的博士論文」後,這消息重新浮出檯面

據報導,特羅姆瑟大學- 挪威北極圈大學(UiT TheArctic University of Norway)的Kim Praebel教授發現,格陵蘭鯊魚的壽命可達到400年,但近期的研究證明,這種物種可以活的更久。通過測量格陵蘭鯊魚的大小後發現,牠可能早在1505年就已出生。


尼爾森(Julius Nielsen)也表示,「這評估還有很多不確定性,即使是年齡最低的也活了272年,格陵蘭鯊魚仍然是科學界長壽脊椎動物。」

▼尼爾森(Julius Nielsen)IG上的格陵蘭鯊魚。

In exactly 1 hr and 7 minutes a satellite tag will pop-off from this Greenland shark female, it will float to the surface and establish contact with an Argos satellite. It will then transmit information on position as well as occupied temperatures the past 3 months. By tomorrow morning I will hopefully have the data which just can make it into my PhD before ending in four weeks. All of this (except handing in PhD in four weeks) will however only happen IF 1) the shark is not under sea ice (which would inhibit satellite transmission), 2) the sea is not too rough where the shark is which could lead to that the tag cap can’t be exposed properly in the air or 3) that the shark has not been deeper than 2,000 m which would have crushed the tag and destroyd it.... it also requires that there is no annoying animal eating the tag before we get the data which happened to us on a previous deployment. FINGERS CROSSED