秒安靜!她買「發光睡衣」哄女兒乖乖「充電」 22萬網大讚:天才

▲ 潔西卡女兒感情非常好,常常在IG上分享生活中的趣事。(圖/翻攝自臉書/Jessica D`Entremont)



英國《每日郵報》報導,潔西卡(Jessica D'Entremont)育有3歲的女兒漢娜蘿蕾(Hannelore)及4歲艾瑪(Emma),9月底她在臉書上分享自己「讓孩子保持安靜」的經驗。由於2名女兒天生患有「感覺統合失調」(Sensory Processing Disorder, SPD),平時非常活躍姊妹倆整天都開心地玩在一塊,晚上也不願意睡覺,讓她感到非常傷腦筋,尤其是工作時更讓人煩躁。

▲潔西卡的2名女兒天生患有「感覺統合失調」,會一直動來動去很難安靜下來。(圖/翻攝自IG/Jessica D'Entremont)


潔西卡受訪時透露,當時她正協助Care Dimensions機構處理募款事宜時,女兒們卻一如往常地在旁邊吵鬧,讓她相當煩躁,這時候腦中突然閃過「發光睡衣」的靈感,也讓她決定試試看成效。

▲ 姊妹倆非常努力地充電睡衣,連動都不敢動。(圖/翻攝自臉書/Jessica D`Entremont)




We don't have great skin over here; very sensitive, things like eczema, psoriasis, they all live here No one wants their kids to feel like that and if you have a sensory kiddo it can be even worse Emma was always irritable and scratching and as soon as she was able, complained about being itchy "all the time." We went to her pediatrician and tried creams, we went to the allergist and dermatologist and although she got some relief nothing fixed the issue When I started looking at what I could do to help her I found out about probiotics. I always thought they were for when you took an antibiotic or if you were sick. NOPE! Gut health is soooo important. Its where everything starts; your skin health, your immune system, even your mood! We started Mightypro in July 2018 and within 6 weeks Emma had no redness and the complaints stopped. Her mood improved and we havent had 1 sick visit since then! Probiotics will always be a part of our routine. Seriously I forgot them once on vacation and it was 6 weeks trying to get back to ok. We tried a couple brands but these are hands down their favorite, as you can see! They call it their wolf food and think its a treat! Do yourself a favor and grab everyone in your household a probiotic....especially as winter comes! Here the kiddos get Young Living Mightypro and the adults get Life9 Everyone should be as excited about gut health as these two cuties!

A post shared by Jessica D'Entremont (@dentremontjessica) on Oct 4, 2019 at 6:00am PDT

Singing, dancing, playing in the rain....we've got it all over here Because sometimes the power goes out...on a rainy day...just after the kids get home from school and you arent prepared So sensory input includes a massive earth made water table! And you thank the almighty for covered porches and a natural afternoon pick me up without the crash, while you sit and enjoy the play time That is until the kids figure out you have Ningxia in your cup and come up and drink it all (Don't worry the Nitro was taken separately )

A post shared by Jessica D'Entremont (@dentremontjessica) on Oct 2, 2019 at 12:54pm PDT