紐時賞析/避免品牌合作網紅涉及政治 行銷業者推「風險概況」工具


Brands Love Influencers (Until Politics Get Involved)


Brands love when social media stars take to Instagram or TikTok to advertise their soap, probiotic sodas, makeup and more. But many of those same brands are eager to avoid influencers who discuss politics.


Making sure the two don’t mix has become a fraught exercise in the growing, and often unpredictable, influencer industry.


With the presidential election looming, some marketing agencies have started to pitch advertisers on new tools that grade the so-called brand safety of social media personalities. Some of the tools even use artificial intelligence to predict the likelihood that a particular influencer will discuss politics in the future.


A tool recently introduced by Captiv8, a marketing firm that helps advertisers such as Walmart and Kraft Heinz connect with influencers, uses AI to analyze mentions of social media stars in online articles and then determines whether they are likely to discuss elections or “political hot topics.” The firm also assigns letter grades to creators based on their posts, comments and media coverage, where an “A” means very safe and a “C” signals caution. The grades incorporate categories such as “sensitive social issues,” death and war, hate speech or explicit content.


Viral Nation, another influencer agency, also offers marketers a product that makes “risk profiles” for creators. The tool, which the company has been using for more than year, assesses years of posts — including hours of dialogue from videos — and can detect whether people are holding weapons or protest signs in their content, even if those elements aren’t mentioned in captions or audio.

另一家網紅經紀公司Viral Nation也向行銷業者提供一種產品,爲創作者製作「風險概況」。該公司一年多來一直在使用的這個工具,可評估多年的發文,包括影像中的數小時對話,並可查出人們是否在他們發表的內容中持有武器或抗議標語,哪怕這些要素沒在標題或音訊提到。

“Brands are definitely asking for this,” Krishna Subramanian, a founder of Captiv8, said. “We noticed from the election before, people wanted to know — have creators talked about the election and talked about the president? Because they don’t want to be in that conversation.”


The way marketers gauge suitability online directs billions of dollars in spending and helps shape discourse on the internet. After many major brands faced consumer boycotts during Donald Trump’s presidency for inadvertently running digital ads alongside conspiracy theories and terrorist propaganda, companies created new industry guidelines to help them avoid funding harmful content on social media. Since then, many advertisers have also stopped running messages in news outlets in the name of brand safety.


Some conservatives say the industrywide definitions have unfairly dinged right-wing sites.


文/Sapna Maheshwari 譯/周辰陽