雅思詞彙解析(100)| 花費開銷


August 18, 2024

2雅思詞彙解析 | | 欄目推送說明





1. deposit /dɪ'pɒzɪt/

n. 訂金;保證金;

劍橋聽力11-1-1: And l have to tell you there's also a deposit of £250, which is returnable of course as long as there's no damage. But we do insist that this is paid in cash, we don't take cards for that. You can pay the actual rent of the room however you like though - cash, credit card, cheque.

補充:returnable adj. 可退回的


cash 現金

credit card 信用卡

cheque 支票

n. 存款

搭配:make a deposit / on deposit 存款

e.g. Our records show that she made a large deposit to her account earlier in the month.

e.g. The company has millions of dollars on deposit with several foreign banks.

2. refund /rɪ'fʌnd/

n. 退款;退回的錢

搭配:a full / partial refund 全額/部分退款

be entitled to a refund 有資格退款

e.g. No refunds or exchanges are allowed.

e.g. The customer was furious and demanded a refund.

e.g. If the goods are faulty, you are entitled to a refund.

adj. refundable 可退還的;可償還的

e.g. All deposits for holiday cottages are refundable.

3. haggle /'hæg(ə)l/


搭配: haggle with someone over something 就…和某人討價還價

haggle the price down 砍價

e.g. We spent a long time haggling with the authorities over our visas.

e.g. I managed to haggle the price down to something more reasonable.

n. haggler 討價還價的人

e.g. The embarrassment when asking for a discount is enough to deter many would-be hagglers.

補充:would-be hagglers 想要討價還價的人

4. thrifty /'θrɪftɪ/

adj. 節儉的;節省的;節約的

e.g. She was a thrifty woman and managed to put aside some money every month.

e.g. Retailers will need to rethink their strategies as thrifty shoppers demand price-competitive goods.

補充:thrift shop舊貨商店; 二手商店

spendthrift / big spender揮霍者;浪費金錢的人

e.g. If you're a spendthrift, you might find yourself in debt.

e.g. Tom is such a big spender that having no money really cramps his style.

補充:cramp someone’s style 束手束腳,妨礙發揮
