
▲ 職場面試,要讓面試官多認識你。(示意圖/取自免費圖庫Pexels)

文/羅伊伶 Janet Lo



1. I had the honor to participate in… 我很榮幸有機會…參加…

I had the honor to participate in the cultural immersion program in my junior year with our sister school in Spain. (我很榮幸在大三時有機會參加西班牙姐妹校辦的文化體驗課程。)

由於是過去經歷所以用過去式had開頭,participate in是「參加」的動詞片語,用I had the honor也能強調出曾有這份殊榮,並不是每位學生都有資格參加的能強調出自己優越之處,如果是想提到很榮幸有機會做其他事情,不是要說明參加活動,也可以用I had the honor to…的句型,把participate in換成其他動詞或動詞片語即可。

I had the honor to host the Re-inventing Seminar for students from all around the world in 2018. (我很榮幸能在2018年替來自世界各地的學生舉辦Re-inventing研討會。)

2. During…, I had the opportunity to... 在…的期間,我曾有…的機會…

During my time interning at HiTech Company, I had the opportunity to represent the company in a professional manner in all dealings with architects, vendors, design professionals, and contractors.(我在HiTech公司實習的這段期間,有機會以專業身分代表公司以專業的態度處理與建築師供應商設計專家承包商間的商業往來。)

此句型不只適用於實習或工作經驗,本篇提到的句型皆能應用在參加過的專題活動等經歷上。had the opportunity to後面只要接上原型動詞便可清楚描述這段期間有機會參與到的工作任務,此句用的是to represent,是動詞「代表」之意。 描述在某期間內完成過的事情,除了用上述的during句型之外,還有另一種句型可使用。

3. When V-ing, I managed to… 當我在…的時候,曾成功…(達成某事)

When working on the Lancaster University Business Project, I managed to win the design scholarship by creating a business plan for a Taiwanese village for under GBP 30k.(在我參與蘭卡斯特大學的商業專題競賽時,藉由替一個臺灣村落設計出預算在三萬英鎊以下的商業計劃,成功贏得設計獎學金。)

前半段的主詞與後半段相同,故前句將主詞省略接上現在分詞V-ing的用法就是分詞構句。work on是「着手;進行」的動詞片語,manage to也是個動詞片語,可用來表達「成功達成某事」的意思,如果沒有要強調在某個期間,只想說「我曾經成功達成某事」也可以直接用manage to這個片語來說明。

I managed to get two paid internship jobs last summer. (我去年夏天成功得到兩份有薪實習的工作機會。)

4. My job in… involved… 我在…中的工作涉及了…

My job in the Elite English School involved developing teaching materials, facilitating communication between parents and foreign teachers, and counseling students. (我在Elite英語學校的工作涉及了教材開發、協助家長外師的溝通還有學生輔導。)



1. When __________ in the restaurant, David had the opportunity to meet people from various countries. (A) work(B) worked(C) working(D) works

2. Miller is planning to quit his job because it __________ dealing with a lot of customer complaints and many difficult situations. (A) involves(B) involved(C) involving(D) involve


1. 正解爲(A)。此句文意爲「Miller正打算離職,因爲此工作涉及處理過多的客戶抱怨及許多棘手狀況」,由於Miller只是正在打算離職但尚未離開此崗位故應使用現在式involves,(A)爲正解。

2. 正解爲(C)。此句文意爲「當David在這間餐廳工作時,他有機會認識來自不同國家的人」,此句爲分詞構句,主詞是David,work爲主動動詞,空格處應選擇現在分詞型態的working,故(C)爲正解。

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