怎麼全身溼?開監視器見愛犬差點溺斃 英勇歐告「救活牠」
▲英勇的歐告救溺水朋友,成功將牠拖離泳池。(圖/翻攝自Laurie Sorsen Becerra臉書,下同)
So Remus and Smokey got a little rambunctious. Smokey can swim just not well ( as video shows ) watch video all the way to end.Jay recorded this off our security camera when he saw Smokey all wet ! Remus May be a crazy pup but he’s got a heart of gold !! My hero. Please no back lash jay was in house for few minutes and they must have come thru fence. They play around pool all the time with no incidence. (For licensing or usage, contact licensing@viralhog.com)