【英語多益通】全臺6/7擴大解禁 解封英文怎麼說?

▲ 紐西蘭逐步解禁封城速食店前出現大量排隊潮。(圖/路透社

文/羅伊伶Janet Lo


To lift 解除(封鎖

More than half the states in the US are gradually lifting lockdowns even as the health officials have warned of a second wave of infections.(即使衛生官員警告解封恐引發第二波感染,美國過半數州仍逐步解封中。)

lift在此爲動詞,也可做名詞使用,較常見的字義爲「擡起;舉高」,不過也有「解除」之意,通常後面可接lift a ban(解除禁令)、lift some restrictions(解除限制)等名詞。

「解封」的英文也可使用reopen,爲「重新開啓」之意,名詞爲reopening。除了禁令與限制的解除外,限制的「鬆綁」也有許多動詞可用,如to loosen/ease/relax the lockdown restrictions(放寬限制)。

The Prime Minister of Australia has unveiled the three-step plan to ease coronavirus restrictions. (澳洲總理公佈了三階段解封計劃,以鬆綁武漢肺炎的防疫限制。)


I’m also going to the train station. Do you need a lift?(我正好也要去車站一趟,你需要搭便車嗎?)

Compulsory 強制的

The governments of Germany, Austria, and Slovakia have made mask-wearing compulsory on public transport. (德國、奧地利斯洛伐克政府皆強制規定搭乘大衆交通運輸時須配戴口罩。)

此處的compulsory爲形容詞,意思是「強制的;必須做的;義務的」,如義務教育compulsory education、必修課程compulsory subject。

Statistics is not a compulsory subject in the Foreign Language Department. (統計學並不是外文系的必修課。)


● 可通用的情況:必要的;強制的

A health examination is obligatory/mandatory/compulsory before employees start working.(員工開始工作前必須先經過健康檢查。)

Since 2019, wearing a helmet on all motorized vehicles including electric scooters is obligatory/mandatory/compulsory in California. (自2019年起,在加州騎乘所有機動車輛,包含電動車,皆必須攜帶安全帽。)

● 不可通用的情況:義務的;道義

When Mr. McAllen lost South Carolina, he at first refused to make the obligatory congratulatory call to Ms. Anderson.(當麥克艾倫先生輸掉南卡羅來納州的選舉時,起初還拒絕撥一通道義上的恭賀電話給安德森小姐。)

Resurgence 再現;復甦

The Lebanese government has reimposed a four-day nationwide lockdown after the resurgence of coronavirus cases. (黎巴嫩政府在新冠肺炎疫情復燃後,重新實施爲期4天的全國性封城措施。)



The WHO warned countries that hasty reopening may fuel the second spike in coronavirus cases. (世界衛生組織警告各國,倉促解封恐導致第二波武漢肺炎案例激增。)


1. The research suggested ______ only 69 percent of employees began the compulsory online courses and the non-completion rate was as high as 75 percent. (A) if(B) that(C) when (D) with

2. High-waisted jeans, trendy in the '80s, are having a ______ in popularity among the youth today.(A) reverse(B) disparity(C) resurgence(D) confirmation


1. 正解爲(B)。題意爲「研究指出僅有69%員工開始必修線上課程,未完成度高達75%」,suggest後的空格應選擇that爲引導名詞子句的從屬連接詞,故(B)爲正解。

2. 正解爲(C)。題意爲「80年代流行的高腰牛仔褲,在時下年輕人中再度流行起來」,選項(A)翻轉、(B)差異、(C)復甦、(D)確認,故僅(C)符合句意爲正解。
